The Cold War and the Americas, 1945- 1981 Objective 4.5: Consider the involvement of the USA in Vietnam from 1950 to 1973
Warm-Up : Class Review—Truman Doctrine Read the following excerpt from the Truman Doctrine… I believe that it must be policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures…I believe that we must assist peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way…The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms. Answer the following question…. How could have the Truman Doctrine gotten the United States involved in Vietnam?
Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War? Quagmire Theory Belief that the USA got slowly trapped in Vietnam, due to ignorance, overconfidence, and credibility concerns Stalemate Theory Belief that the USA continued to fight an unwinnable war in Vietnam, simply to avoid being seen to be defeated Commitment Trap Theory Belief that an inherited commitment to Vietnam made it harder for the next president to exit without the nation and its leader losing face
Vietnam While watching consider the given guiding questions (treat them as notes) and the following BIG QUESTION… How far was each president [from Truman to Johnson] responsible for the involvement in Vietnam?
Class Review President Involvement Extent Truman (1950-1953) $2 billion in military equipment and advice to French Some money, some US prestige and credibility Eisenhower (1953-1961) Defied Geneva Accords; created South Vietnam; $7 billion to Diem; SEATO Much money, US prestige, and credibility Kennedy (1961-1963) Nearly 20,000 “advisers”; lots of money and military aid Even more money, prestige, and credibility Johnson (1963-1969) Operation Rolling Thunder; 500,000 ground troops Massive money, prestige, and credibility
Warm-Up: Class Review People’s History (Ch Warm-Up: Class Review People’s History (Ch. 18 – The Impossible Victory: Vietnam) What previous knowledge was confirmed in the text? What new knowledge was put forth in the text? What surprised you about the text? What confused you about the text?
The Cold War in Asia If someone says it better, let them say it… CRASH COURSE #38 While watching, complete the fill-in notes!
Class Discussion: What role did the conflict in Vietnam have on the Cold War? 1945-9 Vietnam not significant in Cold War 1949 Cold War moved to Asia Vietnam helped show Communism on “march” 1954-63 Nation building in Vietnam becomes focus of US foreign policy 1960s Vietnam delayed détente 1970s Vietnam helped détente Weakened USA Encouraged Soviet “adventurism” END RESULT Soviet “adventurism” contributed to end of Cold War
Quickwrite Read and analyze the documents Organize a logical, argument to the below question Answer the question below in a full-essay Analyze the ways in which the Vietnam War heightened social, political, and economic tensions in the United States. Focus your answer on the period 1964 to 1975.