Designing User-Friendly Documents Chapter 8 Designing User-Friendly Documents Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace Laura J. Gurak John M. Lannon
Characteristics of Well-Designed Documents Well-designed documents should: Be inviting and accessible Flow well as a single, cohesive unit Provide a visual hierarchy Address a diversity of readers
Specific Design Elements Designing for Consistency and Cohesiveness includes: Grid Patterns Margins Paragraphs Justification White Space Line Spacing and Indentation Font Style Font Size
Designing for Navigation and Emphasis Headings Color, Shading, Boldface, Italics, and Underlining Bulleted and Numbered Lists Running Headers and Footers Tables of Contents and Indexes
Use Headings for Access and Orientation Good headings have the following characteristics: Appropriate phrasing Specific and comprehensive wording Grammatical consistency Visual consistency Appropriate layout
A Good Format for Headings
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