Innovate & Motivate
Staff innovate at stops Bringing technology to Seniors Tech gadgets for seniors Configuring your devices (ipads, smartphones) What is an e-reader ?(Nook, Kindle) Steps to download e-books (Library website) Pre-loaded Nooks Book-A-Librarian sessions
Team matters Promote curiosity Engage in their ideas with active listening Ask questions The immediate and the bigger picture Measures and outcomes Have fun sharing and learning
Pitch your innovation Inviting staff to pitch their innovative idea Purpose and outcome Implementation
Toy Library – Laura
Ipad minis - Richard
Building Happy, Winning Teams Values and Goals Honesty and Integrity Courage and Compassion Communicate and acknowledge Encourage and motivate Involve and get involved Enthusiasm and excitement are infectious
Challenges Organizational changes Budget cuts Service models Staff turnover Leadership changes
Share best practices Share one best practice to motivate staff Share one team ritual that builds team spirit
Conclusion Create positive work environments so staff can experience that they are working with you on a team rather than for you
Mahatma Gandhi………. “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”