Solid-State Circuits / Circuit and System Joint Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting August 29, 205 San Marcos, TX
Chapter Leadership Team Chair: Seth Wilk (RF Micropower, Vice Chair: Nan Sun (UT Austin, Treasurer: Mikel Ash (TI, Secretary: Nagaraja Revanna ( Advisor Matt Felder ( Zhuo Li (IBM, Notes:
Chapter Updates Meeting location: UT Campus ACES (POB) 2.402 TexasWISE 2015 was a big success Inviting and finalizing a number of DL talks for the rest of this year. Already have 3 more talks planned Notes:
Scheduled Meetings (more DLs planned): 2015 Chapter Meetings Scheduled Meetings (more DLs planned): Notes:
TexasWISE 2015 Wrote proposals and received funding of $4000 from CAS and $4000 from SSCS Industry and Academia support was $5400
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Good technical talks, DL program Stable attendance rate. So far one workshop per year in last three years and one more planned for this year. Good leadership pipeline. Stable funding resource from CAS and SSC Society. Extra subsidy funding from CAS and SSC for workshop or extra events to promote memberships. Weaknesses Find more good technical talks and workshop topics. Increase attendance rate.
SWOT Analysis Opportunities Threats Local chip design and EDA companies University of Texas, Austin Threats Seminars inside companies and Universities A less interesting workshop may get cancelled or need more funding.
Chapter Plans / Issues Continue ISSCC annual review. Cosponsor event/seminars with other chapters Invite Distinguished Lecture Program speakers. Notes:
QUESTIONS??? Thanks If you’d like to learn more about electronic services, you’ll want to attend the session on the Electronic Services being presented this afternoon by Christian Borgert (BORE-GERT) and Chip Dawson. If you miss this afternoon’s session, you can see it tomorrow morning. Now I’d like to answer your questions about newsletters and electronic services . . . (After Q&A) I’m sorry we don’t have time to answer all of your questions, but we have an abundance of expertise with us this weekend, and much of it is in the Computer Lab upstairs. Stop by and get more information anytime.