Social skills powerpoint resource Friends Social skills powerpoint resource Please do not share this resource in any format, including sharing on the internet. This is stated in the terms and conditions of ELSA Support. Please direct people to the website so they can download their own copy. Thank you for your co-operation on this. Website: Facebook: Instagram: elsa_support Twitter: Facebook TA Group: Facebook ELSA Secret Group: Contact for your invitation Pinterest: There is a full set of planning that compliments this resource and you can find it here. Please click the picture.
FRIENDS F ind things that they have in common. They might… Like the same games Like the same food Have the same hobbies or interests Laugh at the same things
FRIENDS R espect each other’s Space Property Ideas Personality Differences
FRIENDS I nclude you by… Inviting you to play Supporting you Being there for you Standing up for you
FRIENDS E mpathise with you by… Showing that they care about your feelings Listening to you Being there for you Giving a hug if you need one
FRIENDS N eed you… To be there for them To play with them To talk to them To listen to them To care about them
FRIENDS D eserve you because you are… Kind Respectful Caring Amazing Empathetic A good listener Helpful Honest Respectful Amazing Trustworthy
FRIENDS S ay sorry if they are wrong because… Everyone makes mistakes sometimes They value your friendship more than being right
Remember To be a Good FRIEND