Introduction (Organization) Mini-Pages Project CATEGORY A (5) B (4) C (3) D (2) Titles / Text Titles are written clearly and are easy to read from a distance. Titles are written clearly and are easy to read close-up. Titles are not written clearly and are hard to read from a distance. Titles are hard to read, even when the reader is close. Introduction (Organization) The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but is not particularly inviting to the reader. The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper. “Choice” Collage (Design) Graphics are trimmed to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well, some in front and some behind. Care has been taken to balance the pictures across the canvas. Graphics are trimmed to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged with some items in front and others behind. The canvas, however does not appear balanced. Graphics have been trimmed to an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very attractive. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement. Graphics are untrimmed OR of inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing the collage. Map Map is neat, accurate and adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. Includes key Map is accurate and adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. Map is neat and accurate and sometimes adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. May or may not include key. Map is not accurate OR does not add to the reader's understanding of the topic. No key included. Timeline Timeline is neat, accurate and adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. Contains 15 or more items. Timeline is accurate and adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. Timeline is neat and accurate and sometimes adds to the reader's understanding of the topic. Contains less than 15 items. Timeline is not accurate and/or neat OR does not add to the reader's understanding of the topic. Contains 10 or less items. Amount of Information All six "pages" are 300 words each or more All six "pages" are a little less than 300 words Half the pages are less than the required amount All the pages are less than the required amount Primary Source Document Primary source clearly relates to the main topic. It includes an explanation with several supporting details. Primary source clearly relates to the main topic. It includes some supporting details. Primary source somewhat relates to the main topic but no supporting details are given. Primary source has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Quality of Construction CATEGORY A (5) B (4) C (3) D (2) Free Spaces Several of the graphics or objects used in the mini-page reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. One or two of the graphics or objects used in the mini-page reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. One or two graphics or objects were made or customized by the student, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. The student did not make or customize any of the items on the mini-page. Sources (Bibliography) All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. Some sources are not accurately documented or incorrect ‘mix’ of sources used Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. A (10) B (8) C (6) D (4) Required Elements The mini-page includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the mini-page. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the mini-page. Several required elements were missing. Quality of Construction The mini-page shows considerable attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains. Nothing is hanging over the edges. The mini-page shows attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges. The mini-page shows some attention to construction. Most items are neatly trimmed. All items are securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges. The mini-page was put together sloppily. Items appear to be just "slapped on". Pieces may be loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven edges, and/or stray marks are evident. Focus on Topic (Content) There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information. Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general. Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information. The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.