Criteria for Student’s PowerPoint Presentations for Student Led Conferences Lesson # 5 Explain to students that they are going to be learning what their PowerPoint presentation will need to contain.
Pre-Conference Parent Information Letter You will need to write a letter inviting your parent/guardian Your letter needs to have the following: Personal Invitation to Attend Date Time Location Discuss with your students how you’re going to find out the best date and time for their parent/guardian to attend. Do we need to have a survey? Do we need to ask parents/guardians? Can they do this or do we need to mail a letter? What will parents/guardians do if they can’t make their scheduled conference time?
Student Preparation You will need to set goals You will need to have samples of your work in a portfolio highlighting your strengths and weaknesses English/Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Electives You will need report card, test scores, and proficiency information (essential outcomes) Design a PowerPoint Presentation Discuss what types of goals you’re talking about. Give some examples. Discuss what kind of work from each content area could be in their portfolio. Discuss what you mean by highlighting their strengths and weaknesses (what are they really good at and what they could improve/work on). Discuss proficiency information (essential outcomes) and what this means to them. Lastly, discuss that they’ll be designing a PowerPoint to help guide their conference. Have students look at the rubric that will be used to score their performance and discuss it.
Post Conference Letter You will need to design a post conference letter thanking your parent/guardian for attending You will also need to have your parents complete the survey regarding their conference Have students look at the survey and see what they think. How are we going to get them back?
Post Evaluation You will need to meet with your teacher in order to discuss and complete the following: Set New Goals Discuss Proficiencies Met and Deficient Discuss Your Conference Performance Discuss Your PowerPoint Presentation Have students look at the scoring rubrics for their PowerPoint presentation and student led conferences, so they know what they will be graded on. Discuss what we’re going to do if you don’t meet all proficiencies. What’s next? What’s the plan?