Parts of Speech Nouns/Pronouns
A noun names a person, place, thing or idea.
People cousin Hank Aaron coach lawyer Beyonce` poet
Places school Phoenix Church Lincoln Memorial Statue of Liberty Nashville Paris
Things calculator speech table microwave pencil tissue book
Ideas joy sorrow legality
Types of Nouns Abstract Concrete Common Proper Collective Compound
Abstract Ideas are considered abstract. fear cleverness misery honor
Concrete Names an object that occupies space or can be recognized by any of the senses. trumpet street car scent
Common nouns General nouns are common nouns. city turnpike attorney war
Proper nouns When you name particular people, places, or things, they are considered proper nouns. Sioux City New Jersey Turnpike The Civil War Supreme Court Justice Roberts
Collective nouns Names a group of people or things squad class club association
Compound nouns Consists of two or more words. They can be hyphenated, written as one word, and sometimes written as two words. great-aunt one-fourth horseradish postal worker
Practice Identify each italicized word as a common noun, proper noun, or collective noun. 1.The international sports festival known as the Olympic Games began in ancient Greece. 2. The original governing board consisted of fourteen members. 3. They included competition in music, oratory, and theater as well as sport. 4. The Air Force squadron flew over the Olympic field.
1. festival- COMMON Olympic Games- PROPER Greece- PROPER 2. board- COLLECTIVE members- COMMON 3. competition- COMMON oratory- COMMON sport- COMMON 4. Air Force- PROPER field- COMMON
Practice (Turn in) Write if the italicized word is an abstract or concrete noun. 1. Hate is a dangerous emotion. 2. The sound of singing birds makes one’s spirits rise. 3. Muriel’s two cats brought her much enjoyment. 4. The music was way too loud. Identify each italicized word as a common noun, proper noun, or collective noun. 5. Thirteen countries competed in that first revival.
6. Nine sports made up the entire agenda. 7. Hitler tried to use the 1936 games in Berlin to propagandize the Nazi racist cause. 8. The international committee currently has more than seventy members. 9. Several instances of boycotts have shocked the global audience and lessened universal participation.
Pronouns A pronoun takes place of a noun or another pronoun. Most pronouns refer to something previously mentioned. The word or group of words to which the pronoun refers is called its antecedent. Hermione Granger threw her wand to the floor. (Her refers to Hermione G.)
Types of Pronouns Personal Possessive Relative Indefinite Demonstrative Interrogative Reflexive Intensive
Personal Refers to a specific person or thing by indicating the person speaking (first person), the person being addressed (second person), or any other person or thing being discussed (third person)
SINGULAR PLURAL First person I, me we, us Second person you Third person He ,him, she, her, it they, them
Shows possession or control. It takes the place of a possessive noun.
SINGULAR PLURAL First person my, mine our, ours Second person your, yours Third person his,her, hers, its their, theirs
Relative Use a relative pronoun to begin a special subject-verb word group called a subordinate clause. The lady who came late was my sister.
Who Whoever Whom Whomever What Whatever Which Whichever That Whose
Expresses an amount or refers to an unspecified person or thing. Indefinite Expresses an amount or refers to an unspecified person or thing. Do you think everyone is going?
All Another Any Anybody Anyone Anything Both Each Either Enough Everybody Everyone Everything Few Many Most Neither Nobody None Nothing One Other Others Several Some Somebody Someone Something
Demonstrative A demonstrative pronoun points out specific people, places, things, or ideas. These are the types of problems that make me want to scream.
SINGULAR PLURAL This These That Those
Use interrogative to form questions. Who Whom Whose What Which
Reflexive A reflexive pronoun refers to a noun or another pronoun and indicates that the same person or thing is involved.
Adds emphasis to a noun or another pronoun. Intensive Adds emphasis to a noun or another pronoun.
Reflexive and intensive verbs look alike Reflexive and intensive verbs look alike. Their usage reveals the difference. Pedro presented himself the award. (reflexive) Pedro himself presented the award.(intensive)