CGS 2100 Lab sections 0029, 0031, 0035, 0045, 0046 2018/9/18
Lab sections Section number: 0029, 0031, 0035, 0045, 0046 Lab instructor: Yuping Shen Email: Course Website: 2018/9/18
Policy Attendance will be taken at the beginning of lab Don’t be late for more than 15 minutes! Being marked absent in more than 2 labs = 10% reduction of your final grade Be sure to log out of Windows each time you leave the lab for security reasons. You’re responsible to check the course website frequently Understand and agree to the zero tolerance policy 2018/9/18
Email issue Remember to include your full name and lab section with each email and assignment. Format of email: Subject: 2100.0029 #[assignment no.] [full name] Example: Subject: 2100.0029 #4 Mike Green Body: 2100.0012 Mike Green ...... You will receive a ZERO on your assignment if your name and lab section are not included! 2018/9/18
Email issue Before you send a email After you send a email Check if your name and section number are included Check if the subject is in the right format Check if the required document is attached After you send a email Check if your email is in “sent-email” folder Check if the documents are attached 2018/9/18
Grade issue All assignment sent after the deadline will not be accepted The grading guideline can be found on the website (Check this before you do your assignment or before you talk to me about your grade) Grades will be posted within a week after the deadline All problem regarding your graded should be solved within a week after it is posted 2018/9/18
SAM What’s SAM? where to find your SAM password In the SAM card, it is usually in the shrink-wrapped book you purchase Don’t lose your booklet failure to activate your SAM account before the first skill test will result in a grade of zero. You may not purchase these if your book have been used by a friend in a previous semester More information regarding SAM will be found on the course web site Skills Assessment Manager 2003 (SAM 2003) is a Web-based software application that measures your proficiency in the Microsoft Office 2003 applications suite (Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word), Windows 2000, Windows XP and general Internet skills. You should take SAM skill tests during the weeks listed on the calendar 2018/9/18
Computer services UCF offers Pegasus Email Web space/FTP UCF LAN Account Your username of all these account is your NID 2018/9/18
Topics today Some basic skills to use Windows and to access the Internet Understand the structure and policy of the course 2018/9/18
Review You should be able to: Log into Windows Create new folders Move folders and files Log out of Windows Navigate to a web page Understand course information Understand and agree to the zero tolerance policy Understand the computer services UCF offers to its students 2018/9/18
Homework Go to one of the campus computer labs (not the open lab) and start trying to figure out how to access your LAN account and Pegasus email account. Make sure that you can login the Pegasus email before the next lab. If you have any problems accessing Pegasus, go to the main computer lab in Computer Center 2, Room 104A, and bring a picture ID. 2018/9/18