TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Chris Dore.


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Presentation transcript:

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Chris Dore

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 GB Maintenance & Improvement Plan The EMEP EB welcomed draft elements of GB maintenance and improvement plan; and invited TFEIP to elaborate it for adoption by SB in September 2010; Provide to the EMEP EB an updated MIP, by using the current draft and making the following changes: Updating the priority research areas in line with those indicated by the expert panels Amend and simplify the proposed management structure, in line with that outlined in the “Processes” meeting paper.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Expert Panel Workplans Include the workplans of the Expert Panels (as presented) as elements of the TFEIP workplan.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Revisions to Protocols Provide Ad Hoc support to the Gothenburg Protocol revision e.g. to highlight practical considerations concerning proposed reporting provisions

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Review 2010: Support Stage 2 and 3 review processes, and in particular target the identification of, and encourage nominations of, additional individuals for the roster of experts for Stage 3. Support of the review process is to be continued. Inventory experts not on the register will be approached, so that we can understand the barriers to registration.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Informative Inventory Reports (1/2) Liaise with parties who have not ever submitted an IIR, and compile a short report on the reasons given, and actions to facilitate more complete reporting. This action (from 2009 workplan) to be conducted following the 2010 TFEIP meeting, and before the EB meeting. (the “Justins” to be continued next year...!)

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 EECCA Countries 2010: Liaise with, review and document the priority improvement areas for the EECCA countries, with the specific aim of encouraging targeted support. Contribute to the GB translation project, and in particular provide information on the priority chapters indicated from the EECCA country survey. Circulate the main points, to promote support and development. Support the launch of translated GB

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Metals and POPs This will continue unchanged. 2010: Continue to provide a forum for sharing new research findings on metal and POP emissions, to facilitate improvements to national emission estimates. This will continue unchanged.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Links with Industry/EGTEI 2009: Encourage targeted contribution to specific EP meetings and GB development, by identifying, and then inviting representatives from industry. 2010: Continue to target contribution from industry, and explore opportunities for EGTEI to contribute to the Guidebook.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Next Meeting (1/3) 2009: TFEIP will hold its twenty-third meeting in Spring 2010 in Cyprus, and report thereon to the thirty-fourth session of the EMEP Steering Body. 2010: TFEIP will hold its twenty-third meeting in Spring 2010, and report thereon to the thirty-fifth session of the EMEP Steering Body.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Next Meeting (2/3) 2009: Joint Workshop with TFMM. 2010-2011: Investigate holding a workshop on gridding/mapping emissions data.

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 Next Meeting (3/3) Where?

TFEIP Workplan 2010-2011 2012? 2011 2010