Dedicated Improvement Reflection Time Praise… I am so incredibly proud of all of you. You have worked exceptionally hard & it has paid off. You have mostly listened to the advice that you have been given. The majority of you used the ’magic formula’ which allowed you to use the semi-colon & colon in the first paragraph; adding to your overall marks. The majority of you structured your writing in inventive and creative ways – this really sets your work apart from the rest. A special mention to: for truly outstanding work. Even better if… Listen to the advice that is given – use the magic formula & DAFOREST to help structure your work. Boost your vocabulary! There are two main ways to do this…use the thesaurus in class and keep up with your reading. Reading is the best way to boost your vocabulary and develop your writing. Remember that you are writing for an audience. You need to keep them in mind – you can’t just list some reasons & think you’ve done your job! Use a range of punctuation! Of course, you use your usual full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks. However, try using a colon, semi-colon, brackets, hyphens or ellipsis…(see what I did there?) Year 9 Exam Feedback 9X/En1 Miss Sims’s Superstars SPaG effect =/= affect. Affect means to influence or to produce a change in something. e.g. the dampness began to affect my health Effect is a noun, and it means the result of a change. e.g. the lethal effects of hard drugs. your =/= you’re Your banana (possessive) You’re a banana (an abbreviation of you are) their/there/they’re Their car (possessive) Over there (refers to a place/location) They’re amazing (abbreviation of they are) A lot are two separate words! Alot is incorrect! Dedicated Improvement Reflection Time Stretch yourself… Grab a thesaurus & try to develop your vocabulary. Developing your Content & Organisation… Try using a repeated phrase to add to the structure of your work. Can you add a one sentence paragraph for effect? Can you include x2 one word sentences for effect? Can you include a semantic field? Developing your accuracy… Can you include a colon in a sentence? Can you include a semi colon in a sentence? Have you got any spellings to work on? Grab a thesaurus and try to develop your vocabulary. Can you include a sentence with an embedded clause? Can you include a complex sentence? How have you started your sentences? Are they varied? Use your purple pen time to… Respond to the individualised feedback on your work. Complete your purple pen task which is on your feedback sheet. Complete the pupil comment box on your sheet.