The Heart
“Diseases” of the heart Hypertension Outline Basic Anatomy Valves of the heart “Diseases” of the heart Hypertension
Your body has about 6 quarts of blood Quick heart facts Size of a fist Your body has about 6 quarts of blood Goes through your body every 20 seconds In one day, your blood travels 12,000 miles Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day!
Heart valves Heart sounds “lub dub” Basically doors Right side Tricuspid and pulmonic Left side Mitral and aortic Heart sounds “lub dub” Murmurs Stenosis (can’t open well) Regurgitation (can’t close well)
Aortic Stenosis
Chest Pain Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Chest Wall Psychological ETC
Heart attack basics The heart needs oxygen and nutrients Two large coronary arteries deliver oxygenated blood to the heart If one of these arteries or branches become blocked ISCHEMIA If ischemia lasts for a long time Heart tissue dies MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (HEART ATTACK)
Over time, cholesterol and a fatty material called plaque can build up on the walls inside blood vessels that take blood to your heart, called arteries. This makes it harder for blood to flow freely. Most heart attacks happen when a piece of this plaque breaks off. A blood clot forms around the broken-off plaque, and it blocks the artery.
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack Angina – chest pain that is provoked by ischemia Blood flow is restored Pain goes away Pain radiates down the left arm (sometimes to the back) Shortness of breath Dizziness Nausea Sweating Fainting spells Heartburn Stomach pain
Atrial Fibrillation (A fib) Abnormal heart rhythm Rapid heart beat Very irregular Many people have no symptoms Others heart palpitations, fainting, shortness of breath etc Increases your risk for stroke and other blood clots!
Blood pressure Systolic and Diastolic Depends on 3 things Heart Rate Calcium channel blockers Beta blockers Volume Diuretics Resistance Vasodilators (i.e. nitro)
Definition changes over time Currently 140/90 (or 150/90?) What is Hypertension? Arbitrary definition Definition changes over time Currently 140/90 (or 150/90?) Controversial topic
Causes of high blood pressure Some have a specific medical cause Pregnancy, drugs, blood vessel problems etc For most people, there is no specific medical cause Primary or essential hypertension
Causes of essential hypertension High BMI 15 mmHg High alcohol intake 8-10 mmHg High salt intake 5-10 mmHg Low potassium intake 5 mmHg Low fiber and/or high fat diet 2-5 mmHg Physical inactivity 2-5 mmHg Stress variable
No special foods This plan recommends: DASH Diet vegetables, fruits, and whole grains fat-free or low-fat Limiting saturated fat Limiting Coca-Cola etc and sweets.
Approximate SBP Reduction Modification Approximate SBP Reduction (range) Weight Reduction 5-10 mmHg/10-15 lbs Adopt DASH eating plan 8-14 mmHg Dietary sodium reduction 2-8 mmHg Physical activity 4-9 mmHg Moderation of alcohol consumption 2–4 mmHg
How does HTN Affect Various Organs Hypertension
Stroke Rates by Blood Pressure Level
Limit your alcohol and smoking! Exercise! Watch your diet Things you can do! Limit your alcohol and smoking! Exercise! Watch your diet Come to blood pressure clinic! Talk to your SASH team!