Expression Expression
Love, I saw your appearance You were so disfigured In an expression so deep Beyond comprehension Of a human mind.
Love, you touched me Penetrating my inmost being I noticed your suffering And not knowing what to say I cried my God!
The crown of thorns piercing Through your head Causing your blood to flow Your eyes, speaking to me In an expression so deep
Embracing me, I heard you Say, Father forgive her In an expression so deep In an expression so deep I bowed down, touching your feet Wanting to understand such love
In between sobs I asked Why, Why, Lord? With tender facial expression Filled with compassion Tears rolling down your cheeks
With a mixture of blood I heard you say, For this I came child To lay down my life To give you life.
Wiping my tears, I said Thank you, Thank you. Your love has entered my soul And as He turned to go I noticed something
His body marked with deep scars Covered with blood Then turning to me He said The work must be finished To the cross I must go!
Slowly, slowly He walked away As I stood watching Him disappear In the horizon leaving behind Big letters written in red My life for you
After a while a loud cry My God, my God Why have you forsaken me? I heard the deep expression Of His sufferings
Following His crying I knelt down at the cross Where He was nailed And there I heard Him say It is finished!
Then He breathed His last Nature responded with darkness Tremors - expression so violent That people ran confused Filed with guilt and fear
Bathed in His blood I was left there alone Staring at Him And for a moment I thought All had died with Him
Then I felt His healing touch By His grace, I know He healed my soul And blessed me with faith For the things hoped for
They came to take Him away From the cross to the grave I followed them to the place And there I remained with hope The only thing left in me
Three days later, three days latter I heard a voice like thunder Nature, the whole nature Woke up to the splendor of lights Morning had come!
With angles celebrating His life And with excitement I shouted He is alive, He is alive! Love, your death - my life Your life - my hope
Bowed down, face on the ground Worshiping Him I noticed His feet still carrying The marks of the nails And looking up I saw His hands
His nail scared hands Why Lord, why? A sign for my people Was the reply Seeing they will know Messiah had arrived
The glow of his holiness Filled my soul with peace As He started to leave With tears rolling down my face I pleaded,please dont go!
Left alone, I realized He had planted a seed of His eternal love in my heart To stay until someday, Until someday.
Music - I Love You Lord Poem - Expression Author amd composer Jacinta da Cruz Rodgers