… 1989- Teaching Math coached girls and boys volleyball & basketball moody.ang@wuhsd.org … 1989- Teaching Math coached girls and boys volleyball & basketball
Grade of “C” or better Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Math Analysis
requirement Math packet, pencil, calculator
Assignment sheet
Resources: tutor… Web http://lshs.wuhsd.org/
grades 50% - Individual Test 15% - Quiz 15% - Performance Task - Grading will be done by categories. 50% - Individual Test 15% - Quiz 15% - Performance Task 15% - Class Work & Homework 5% - Final Exam - All the points will be totaled at the end of each grading period to compute the grade. A = 90% - 100% of the total points B = 80% - 89% of the total points C = 68% - 79% of the total points D = 55% - 67% of the total points F = 0% - 54% of the total points Mid-Quarter Report Card: End of September - Each assignment has a point value. Use class time appropriately and wisely. - Turn in every assignment on the day it is due. Failure to do so will affect your grade. - ONLY excused absences are eligible for make-up work within the week. - There will be classwork & homework every week and quizzes and tests for every unit. - The grading will be done by the teacher, scantron machine/computer programs, - exchanging papers in the classroom or by a T.A.
HOMEWORK POLICY -You are expected to complete your homework by its due date. -Homework will vary each week from 3 to 4 days. -It will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes in length. -Only excused absences are eligible for makeup work. (2 to 3 days…)
TARDY POLICY La Serna High School Classroom Tardy Policy 2017-18 If detention is not served, Saturday School will be assigned Citizenship grades and Tardy Assignments renewed each quarter Behavior Action Consequence Tardy #3 Loop Contact “N” in Citizenship Tardy #4 Teacher Assigns Detention “U” in Citizenship Loop Contact Detention* Tardy #5 Parent Teacher Conference Due Process Notification* Tardy #6 Referral Attendance Contract (Mandatory Workshop/Group Sessions)