We‘re Not So Different, you and I:


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Presentation transcript:

We‘re Not So Different, you and I: Version 1.1 2012 We‘re Not So Different, you and I: HOW LIBRARIANS AND PUBLISHERS USE STATISTICS IN DIFFERENT WAYS TO ACHEIVE SIMILAR GOALS 5 NOVEMBER 2015 2:25 PM COLONIAL BALLROOM, EMBASSY SUITES Alexis Linoski Texas A&M Libraries Sarah Schulman Springer

About Us Alexis Linoski currently works with the Texas A&M System Libraries as the System Libraries Resource Development Director. Her job is to develop and manage consortial agreements for electronic resources for the System. She has previously worked as an Electronic Resources Librarian, Collection Development Librarian and has managed a small Technical Services Department. Sarah Schulman has worked as Account Development Specialist at Springer since August 2011. Her team collaborates with academic and government librarians to help achieve the best possible value from their content. They use an ever-expanding list of methods and strategies, including end user marketing and outreach, statistical analysis and reporting, implementation assistance, trainings/events—and more!

To determine if resources are being used WHY? To determine if resources are being used If so, are they being used enough to justify the cost? Identify gaps in the collection Learn how the resource is being used

WHAT? Databases Overall usage, generally Searches or Full-text downloads Cost is for the entire database Journal Packages, Ebook Collections, Streaming Media Collections Cost if for the entire package or collection Individual Journal Subscriptions and Ebook purchases Full-text downloads Title Usage / Circulation

Sample Database Report 1 (R4) COUNTER Article/full text downloads Database/Collection usage Title usage Variety of Reports showing usage and turnaways Collection Management Not all vendors provide COUNTER reports Sample Database Report 1 (R4) Collection Management - turnaways (for development); potentially for weeding (ebooks; e-journals, databases/collections) Title Usage - generally in terms of journals, but also ebooks; 

GOOD and BAD "Good" usage? Cost per download (or search) is below set threshold When setting, take into account the average cost for ILL For Databases and Collections, use the same criteria, i.e. Searches or Full-text downloads Title usage may not be as useful here because vendors can add and remove titles "Bad" usage? Cost per download exceeds set threshold High number of searches vs number of full-text downloads Discovery systems may skew the number of searches Title Usage – if individual journal usage is not good, look for overlap for titles also included in a database

What "bad" usage tells us: Marketing efforts need tuning - users are not aware of the resource Searches but no full-text downloads - Resource is not being used appropriately, i.e. a Humanities resource used for science research Users need instruction Increase faculty outreach for library instruction Consider online tutorials for distance students User Population is small Resource is for a small degree program Resource is not being used – candidate for cancellation User population may be small but resource required for the program… Usage may never be “good” Keep in mind that discovery systems may dramatically increase the number of searches with no corresponding results, i.e. downloads and views will be significantly lower than the searches.

Turnaway Reports Useful for Collection Development Purchases specific journal titles specific ebook titles unsubscribed collections (from the same publisher) Weeding / deselection Database settings may need to be reviewed Can unsubscribed content be “hidden” Hidden – similar to the default in JSTOR to search only subscribed content

Non-COUNTER Reports A number of vendors offer reports in addition to COUNTER compliant reports Some allow users to define criteria (Ebsco is one) Others are unique to the resource, such as Popular Titles, Top Keywords, etc General data reports, Such as the top referring sites Top Search Terms from Credo for the Month of September. The month of October was completely different.

Additional Resources COUNTER - More information on reports can be found at the Counter site: www.projectcounter.org/r4/COPR4.pdf ACRL – Statistics and Assessment http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/statistics-assessment#.VjKWvEY0PWG

What? For every key customer in dedicated regions and on a regular basis: SpringerMaterials where applicable COUNTER Stats, at least quarterly SpringerLink (eBooks, Journals, Protocols) What is a key customer? List my regions.

What? For some/most customers in dedicated regions at scheduled meetings throughout the year and upon request: Detailed account review Authorship Analysis Metrics analysis via WebTrekk Sarah: explain what account review includes and how we decide who gets them…also note that these account reviews include denials or turnaways

What? As needed or upon request : Customized usage, cost, or other analyses

Why? Quarterly COUNTER Stats: Central document serves as one- stop shop Monitor annual usage trends Provide spending & CPD snapshot Ensure all customers get best ROI & kind of usage they want Is the usage increasing each year the way we want it to in relation to spend increases? Where is usage decreasing and where is it static? Provide a picture of who is slipping vs stronger Also helps with time management and planning calendar/helps w prioritization

Why? Account Reviews: Larger, deeper look at usage and denials Monthly & yearly comparisons Most/least used subject areas, content age, type Assess discoverability of Springer content on library’s web site re discoverability: little to no use may reveal issues with findability

Why? WebTrekk Metrics: Insight into end user behavior Help with building collection, discovery environment, etc… Fascinating Ex: what are people searching for and WHEN are they searching it? maybe have more staff on hand in heavy research months or days or hours, etc… may need to let people know other ways to search, etc…

Why? Author Analysis: Faculty/library relationships Boost classroom use of homegrown content Monitor, support publishing/research trends Market library on campus to authors

Why? Custom reports: various…

And Then… Consult with librarian: How do you feel? Where needed/wanted, plan usage-boosting initiatives such as: Training End user marketing campaigns Faculty outreach Discovery review What was useful? Informs future mission/best practices within Springer How do you feel about the usage stats/metrics/authorship we just showed you?

The End- Thank you! Alexis Linoski alinoski@library.tamu.edu Sarah Schulman sarah.schulman@springer.com Love of cats is another way we’re not so different…