Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs Prepared by Steven Riley For Smart Rivers 2017 21 September 2017 Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Institute for Water Resources and its Centers 33 CFR 207.800 Collection of navigation statistics Authorizes the collection of information from vessels which pass through locks and canals operated by USACE, as specified in ENG Forms 3102b, 3102c, and/or 3102d Authorizes the collection of all domestic waterborne commercial movement information from shippers, as specified in ENG Forms 3925 and 3925b Through the Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Center (NDC) and the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC), the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) supports and facilitates the collection and dissemination of this navigation statistics data Differing timeframes: WCS data not required to be submitted for 30 days. Lock data entered as it occurs. Builds waterborne commerce statistics provisions of the River and Harbor Act of 1922 as amended by the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (Pub L 99-662) Civil Penalties assessed under 33 USC 555. Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
ENG Form 3102 Examples Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) The Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) information system was created to more easily collect and compile information and statistics on USACE owned and operated locks Allows for real time data entry and compilation of statistics for reporting. Includes unavailability information (i.e. stoppage/downtime), the reason, whether it was scheduled or not, and duration Also stores general lock characteristics, to include year built and chamber dimensions Government Performance and Results Act (Pub L 103-62) Using Public USACE Data for Waterway Performance Indicators
LPMS Timing Definitions Using Public USACE Data for Waterway Performance Indicators
Why Are we Interested? Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Using Single Lock example: Newburgh – Delays Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Using Single Lock example: Newburgh – Processing Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Using Single Lock example: Newburgh – Unavailability Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Using Single Lock example: Newburgh – Mechanical Unavail Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
River example: Ohio – Delays Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
River example: Ohio – PROCESSING Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
River example: Ohio – Unavailabilities Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
River example: Ohio – Mechanical Unavailabilities Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Next Steps & Closing thoughts… Continue the analysis through each of the different timing events collected and determine if there is any predictive patterns besides simple correlations: E.g. does a five year trend in increasing chamber time indicate a gate is going to fail? Combines multiple metrics we already collect Could be coordinated with our Asset Management team to tie to components Work with Districts to see how well this maps the potential of probelms Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs
Questions? Analyzing Lock Maintenance Needs