Assignment 2 Due Thursday Feb 9, 2006


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Presentation transcript:

Assignment 2 Due Thursday Feb 9, 2006 Create a star schema database. Use DTS to create Date and Employee dimensions to complement your Product and Customer dimensions (use Northwind as your source). Details: Create a fact table with metrics (from Order Details): quantity, regularPrice=unitPrice*quantity, discountedPrice=unitPrice*quantity*(1-discount), discount=regularPrice-discountedPrice Make order ID a degenerate dimension Ignore Shippers and the Reports To relationship in Employees. Note that Date must have a “n/a” row (and this will be needed for some fact rows) Write queries to show: How many orders have not been shipped? Calculate for each employee, the value (discountedPrice) of the orders they have handled, and list the values and employees names in order of decreasing order values How many orders were shipped > 10 days after the required date? “ <=10 days after the required date? Hand in your database name, package name(s), passwords for packages, and the printed output for queries including SQL. Jan 2005 92.4904 Ron McFadyen