Civil War Battles Civil War Battles often have two names…WHY? Northern Soldiers names the battles after natural locations (rivers, lakes, etc) Southern Soldiers named battles after man-made objects like towns, railroad stations, churches, etc.
First Battle of Bull Run Confederate name: Manassas July 1861 First major battle of Civil War Rebels rallied & inspired by General “Stonewall” Jackson’s refusal to retreat Ended Union hopes for a quick war Union-30,000 troops Confederacy- 20,000 troops
First Battle of Bull Run General Stonewall Jackson
War at Sea The Monitor vs the Merrimack Southerners used Merrimack, a former Union warship, by covering it with thick iron plates This ironclad went to battle against the Monitor (Union ironclad), but neither ship would sink Marked a new age in naval warfare
War in the West North’s primary goal in the West was to gain control the Mississippi & Tennessee Rivers Grant was able to capture Fort Henry on Tennessee River and Fort Donelson on the Cumberland Grant demands an “unconditional surrender” Grant becomes the North’s new hero These victories opened a path for Union troops to march into Tennessee, Mississippi, & Alabama
Battle of Shiloh Pittsburg Landing April, 1862 Southwest Tennessee– important railroad junction Confederate forces launch surprise attack on morning of April 6, 1862 Bloodiest battle in the war so far More than 20,000 casualties (both sides) Union victory In the immediate aftermath of the battle, Northern newspapers vilified Grant for his performance during the battle on April 6, especially for being surprised and unprepared. Reporters, many far from the battle, spread the story that Grant had been drunk, falsely alleging that this had resulted in many of his men being bayoneted in their tents because of a lack of defensive preparedness
New Orleans Falls April 25, 1862 Union naval forces captured New Orleans Confederacy could no longer use the river to carry its goods to sea Union controlled almost the entire Mississippi River
War in the East General McClellan led Union Peninsular Campaign – McClellan readied his troops over several weeks to make an attack on Richmond General Robert E. Lee commanded the Rebels, successful defended Richmond
Lee Enters Maryland Following Southern victories, Lee launched an attack into Maryland Two Union soldiers found a copy of Lee’s orders for his army McClellan knew exactly what Lee planned to do Union soldiers find a copy of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s orders detailing the Confederates’ plan for the Antietam campaign near Frederick, Maryland. But Union General George B. McClellan was slow to act, and the advantage the intelligence provided was lost.He learned that Lee’s army was divided into 4 parts
Battle of Antietam Battle of Sharpsburg Sept. 17, 1862 Single bloodiest day of the war 23,000+ soldiers dead or wounded in 12 hours The next day, Lee withdrew his troops Lincoln is disappointed with McClellan – He replaces him in November 1862
Effects of the Battle of Antietam Union “victory”? British had considered recognizing the Confederacy, but the Union victory at Antietam changed their minds McClellan failed to destroy Lee's army South lost its best chance at gaining international recognition & support