Multiple Intelligences Developed by: Howard Gardner GLC20
What is Intelligence? 1. The act or state of knowing; the exercise of understanding. 2. The capacity to know or understand; readiness of comprehension; the intellect, as a gift or an endowment. 3. Information communicated; news; notice; advice. 4. Familiarity. 5. Knowledge imparted or acquired, whether by study, research, or experience; general information. 6. An intelligent being or spirit; - generally applied to pure spirits; as, a created intelligence.
How do you Measure Intelligences? Identify methods to measure knowledge, understanding, comprehension of different topics Example: Math, Drawing, Music, Language, Athletics
Gardner’s 8 Intelligences Which type of Intelligence are you? Let’s find out what each intelligence is.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Other: Spiritual Moral/Ethical Sensibility Culinary Olfactory Perception
Linguistic - “Word Smart” The capacity to use words (oral and written) Ability to manipulate the structure, phonology and meaning of language Use of rhetoric (convincing), mnemonics (to remember knowledge), explanation and meta-language Politicians, playwright, journalist, historians Robert Munch
Logical-Mathematical “number-reasoning smart” The capacity to use numbers effectively and to reason well Ability to understand patterns, relationships, cause & effect, functions Skills in categorizing, classification, calculations, hypothesis testing and inference Scientists, computer programmer, accountant Albert Einstein
Spatial – “Picture smart” The ability to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and create using the perception Ability to manipulate colour, lines, shapes, forms, space and their relationship with each other Hunter, scout, architect, artist, inventor, designer Da Vinci
Bodily-Kinesthetic – “Body smart” Expertise in using one’s whole body to express ideas and feelings and to use hands/feet to create and transform things Physical skills: coordination, balance, dexterity, strength, flexibility, speed, tactile Actor, athlete, dancer, craft-person, surgeon, tradesperson, sculptor Michael Jordan
Musical - “Music smart” The capacity to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms Effective use of rhythm, pitch, melody, timbre, tone of colour Analytical, global and intuitive abilities Music critic, performer, music tech, dj, composer
Interpersonal –“People smart”” Ability to perceive and make distinctions in the mood, intentions, motivations and feelings of others Interpret facial expressions, voice, gestures Identify social cues and response accurately to these cues Key-note speaker, politician, police officer Hitler
Intrapersonal – “Self smart” Capacity for self-discipline, self-understanding and self-esteem Having an accurate depiction of oneself Awareness of mood, intentions, motivations, temperaments, desires Psychotherapist, religious leader Dalai Lama
Naturalistic – “Environmental smarts” Capacity to recognize & categorize features of the environment Ability to nurture and cultivate Yoga instructors, farmers, eco-activists David Suzuki
Activity Complete the MI questionnaire on online – instruction sheet “MI Results” Record your results using the worksheet – “MI results” If you have extra time, create an item that describes your MI results! Be creative!