Introduction-Cooking Method Custards Introduction-Cooking Method Sauces Stove Top-Stirred Baked-Water Bath Frozen-Turned
Introduction What is a Custard A custard is a culinary preparation made by tempering steeped cream or milk into an egg yolk or combination of yolk and whole eggs base. It is the coagulation of the egg protein which gives the custard its thickened form. This is achieved by gently heating the custard either by low heat on a stove top(‘Stirred” Method), in a double boiler (“Ribbon” stage Method) or in a water bath in the oven (“Baked” Method).
Cooking Methods Egg Tempering Double Boiler Ribbon Stage Stirred Method Water Bath Method Turned Method
Egg Tempering Method The method for assembling custards are all basically the same, the steeping of milk/cream and slowly adding 1/3 of the heated cream into egg mixture while stirring, this brings the eggs to the temperature of the heated cream with out cooking the egg. Once you have “tempered” the eggs it is safe to add all of the remaining heated cream to the mixture at once. It’s the “cooking” methods that vary.
Double Boiler Method This is a method of cooking a delicate product by using steam as your heat. By placing a bowl over a pot of lightly boiling water the steam heats/melts the product slowly with low heat. Uses for this would be melting chocolate or cooking egg yolks so as not to scramble them. This is not to say that you CAN NOT scramble egg over a double boiler, it does help insure the product heats up slowly enough that it takes longer to cook therefore it will stay at the consistency you are looking for for a longer period of time.
Ribbon Stage Custard Sauces This is the process in which you cook your egg yolks and sugar (or all product combined, i.e., Anglaise) together over a double boiler until they are pale in color and when a spoon is run through the product and you run your finger down the back of the spoon a clear passing mark is made without the sides running back together. When this stage is reached the product is done.
Stirred Stove Top Custards This is the method in which the cream is steeped, (strained if infusing flavor) and then tempered into the yolk mixture, the entire mixture is then strained, put back on the stove and stirred constantly until product forms a smooth silky consistency. The custard is then strained again to insure a smooth consistency and to remove any impurities.
Water Bath Baked Custards This is the method in which the custard is made in the same process as the “stirred” method only instead of returning it to the heat it is poured into its baking dish or dishes and baked in a shallow pan with water 1/3 up the side of the dish. This is to insulate the custard and insure even cooking. Some custards are cooked using this method and covered with tin foil to steam the custard as well.
Turned Frozen Custards This is the method in which the cream/milk is steeped and tempered into the egg yolks (if used) and then returned to the heat to reach “ribbon” stage 165 degrees and then either cooled down and put in a ice ream machine to be spun or slowly frozen and folded onto itself, as in the process of making Gelato.
Custard Sauces Crème Anglaise aka “Mother Sauce” to Pastry Sabayon / Zabaglione Fruit Curds
Crème Anglaise aka the “Mother Sauce” in pastries Yolk to Milk Ratio 4:1, yolks 4oz (4 yolks), milk 8oz (1 cup) Standard formula: Yield 1/2c Milk 4oz, yolks 2oz, sugar 4oz, vanilla .25oz(tsp.) Uses: Adds moisture to tarts, pound cakes, high fat ratio pastries, wonderful sauce to put over fruit.
Sabayon - Zabaglione White wine sauce Both these sauces are made with yolks, sugar and sweet white wines. Sabayon: is the French version which is made with any form of sweet, dry or sparkling white wine. Zabaglione: is the Italian version of the sauce and is typically made solely with Marsala, which is a less sweet drier white wine. Yolk to Liquid Ratio 12:1; yolks 12oz (12 yolks), wine 8oz (1c) Standard Formula: Yields 1 cup Yolks 6oz, wine 4oz, sugar 1.5 oz. Uses: Is a wonderful accompaniment to fresh fruit.
Fruit Curds Rich fruit, egg and butter sauce Standard Formula: Yield 1 cup Yolks 3oz, fruit 4oz, sugar 4-6oz, 1-5oz butter The sugar varies in curd based on the fruit that is being used i.e., lemon juice. Uses: Pie fillings, garnish for high fat ratio cakes, cake layer fillings.
Stove Top Custard Pastry Cream Pudding Rice Pudding Tapioca Bavarian Crème Cream Pies
Pastry Cream The multi-use custard Yolk to Milk Ratio 3:1, yolks 3 (3oz), milk 1 cup (8oz) Standard Formula: Yield 2 cups Yolks 4oz, milk 12oz, sugar 4oz, butter 1oz, Vanilla .25oz (tsp.) Variations: no butter, add flour or cornstarch to help stabilize and thicken. Uses: Bavarian Crème (with the addition of equal parts Chantilly), custard pies, Charlotte, layered fruit desserts, cake layer filling.
Puddings Rice Pudding and Tapioca Rice pudding standard formula: Yield 4 cups Rice 1/3c, sugar 1/2c, milk 4c, pinch salt Tapioca standard formula: Yield 4-6 cups Pearls 4oz, milk 3c, eggs 2, sugar 1/2c, salt 1/4t, vanilla 1t Uses: can be served on their own or as an accompaniment to fresh fruit.
Baked Custards Crème Brulee Flan Café Con Leche Pots de Crème Clafouti Bread Pudding Quiche Cheese Cake
Crème Brulee Rich Custard with a “burnt” sugar topping Yolk to Cream Ratio 2:1, yolks 2 (2 oz), heavy cream 1 cup (8oz) Standard Formula: Yield 4-6oz ramikins Yolks 4 (4oz), heavy cream 2c (16oz), sugar 1/2c (4oz) This custard can be infused with many different flavors, if infusing add any herbs, zests or teas into the cream while its steeping. These will be removed when cream is strained and tempered into yolks.
Bread Pudding & Quiche Sweet or Savory? Ratio 4:2:1, Bread, Egg, Milk Standard Formula: Yield 4-5 cups Bread 4c, whole egg 2, milk or cream 1c Bread pudding can be made either sweet or savory by adding herbs and vegetables or fruit and sugar. Quiche: Yield 1 Ratio 2:1, Eggs 2, Milk 1cup (1 cup additional filling) Fillings: ham, cheese, onion, peppers, tomatoes…
Cheese Cake Sweet or Savory? Yolk to Cream Cheese Ratio: 2:1, yolks 2, cream cheese 1 cup (8oz) Standard formula: Yield 1 Cheese Cake Yolks 4 (4oz), CC 2c (1#), sugar 1c (8oz), sour cream 1c (8oz), vanilla 1T Any flavor can be added to this formula to make the cheese cake either sweet or savor, lets talk coulis…
Frozen Custards Gelato - Italian Crème Anglaise – French Ice Cream - American
Gelato Italian Frozen Custard Milk to Cream Ratio 2:1, milk 2c, cream 1 Standard formula: Yield 1 ½ pint Whole milk 2c, Cream 2c, sugar 1/2c Gelato is higher in milk and lower in cream and eggs (typically no egg at all) then the American version of Ice Cream. It also has little to no air incorporated into it, it is hand “turned” or folded onto itself to make it a thicker denser frozen custard. It is held at a warmer temp then standard ice cream to give it a smoother mouth feel as well.
Ice Cream American Frozen Custard Cream to Milk Ratio 2:1, cream 2c, milk 1c Standard formula: Yield 1 ½ pint Cream 2c, Milk 1c, Sugar 1/2c, Ice cream is turned in an ice cream maker to incorporate are and to form ice crystals with gives it a firmer colder texture. It is higher in milk fats to help keep its smooth moth feel.
Crème Anglaise French frozen Custard Yolk to milk Ratio 2:1, yolks 2, milk 1c Standard formula: Yield 1pint Yolks 2, milk 2c, sugar 8oz This frozen custard adds yolks for a richer flavor and texture because yolks are added this custard is cooked using the tempering method and then put back on the heat to bring it up to 165 degrees to insure the yolks are cooked. It is also turned in an ice cream machine to incorporate air and give it a lighter mouth feel.