Common Medical Abbreviations
@ at ac before meals ad lib: as desired b.i.d. twice a day c with
t.i.d. = q.i.d. = qd = NPO = three times a day four times a day daily nothing by mouth.
p.c. = p.r.n. = p.o. = q.h. = after meals as needed by mouth every hour
a.m. = ADLs = BP = cc = morning activities of daily living blood pressure cc = cubic centimeter (same as ml)
CPR = EMS = mmHg = BR or br = cardiopulmonary resuscitation Emergency Medical Services mmHg = millimeters of mercury BR or br = bed rest
brp or BRP = ASAP = BM = CC = bathroom privileges as soon as possible bowel movement CC = chief complaint
cl liq = cm = DAT = D/C = clear liquids centimeter diet as tolerated discontinue; discharge
DNR = DOA = DOB = Dr. = do not resuscitate dead on arrival date of birth Dr. = doctor
Dx or dx = ECG or EKG = gtt or gtts = HOB = diagnosis electrocardiogram gtt or gtts = drop; drops HOB = head of bed
I&O = Gm or g = H&P = HS = intake and output gram history and physical hour of sleep; bedtime
IV = Kg or kg = L&D = lb = intravenous kilogram labor and delivery pound
LLQ = LMP = LUQ = mg = Left lower quadrant last menstrual period left upper quadrant mg = milligram
MRI = N/A = N/V or N&V = OOB = magnetic resonance imaging not applicable N/V or N&V = nausea and vomiting OOB = out of bed
oz = PDR = p.m. = PPE = ounce Physician’s Desk Reference Afternoon personal protective equipment
Fx = q2h = qod = RLQ = fracture every 2 hours every other day right lower quadrant
RUQ = Rx = T = VS = right upper quadrant prescription temperature vital signs
Tbs or tbsp = tsp = TPR = w/c = tablespoon teaspoon temperature, pulse, respiration w/c = wheelchair
WNL = wt = y/o = < = Stat = within normal limits weight years old less than Stat = now
Activity Work to decode the following Dr. orders on the following slides. Once finished write a paragraph about the “pros” and “cons” of using medical abbreviations. 4 complete sentences. Proper punctuation and grammar.
Interpreting abbreviations Pt is to be OOB ad lib. Elevate HOB 45° prn for 30 min pc. Cl liq x 24h; then DAT. ASA 1 tab q6h prn headache. TPR and BP ASAP and q4h. BRP ad lib. I&O q8h.
D/C IV p EKG. MRI of RUQ stat. Move pt to ICU stat; strict BR; I&O q2h. D/C to home in a.m. F/U with PT in one week.