We ALL have a part in creating a place where we want to be Eckstein Middle School: Our Role in a Positive and Respectful Community We ALL have a part in creating a place where we want to be
Period 1 – Eagle Code
Eagle Code Be Responsible Be Respectful Experience Success Posters are in every classroom as reminders of all school expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful Experience Success Review the expectations on the poster with the class. Students will be reflecting on these expectations on the next slide.
Eagle Code Discussion Think about how we have done as a community in following the Eagle Code: What have we done well overall? What can we improve upon as a community? What is ONE thing I can personally do to follow the Eagle Code and build up our community? Have students turn and talk about the first two questions and share out answers For the last question, have students write their answer in their planner for this week.
Period 2- Organization and Planners
Organization: Last 4 Weeks of 1st Semester Make sure all of your papers are in the correct locations Recycle any papers you no longer need Check that you have your planner, pencils/pens, and paper Binder, Planner, Supplies NEED to be at school EVERY DAY!!!
THINK AHEAD: Portfolio Remember-you need to be collecting work samples from ALL of your classes for your portfolio As you are organizing today, make a stack of papers you want to put in your portfolio tomorrow in HR Take some time tomorrow during HR to organize your portfolio
Planners Update planner every time you receive an assignment Use the bottom part of the page to plan your homework/activities Look at your planner when you get home
Period 3 –Behavior Expectations Hallways Lunchroom Restrooms
Eckstein Behavior Expectations BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE SUCCESSFUL and SAFE ALL AREAS Voice Level Varies Use appropriate voice level. Use kind words and actions. Respect others’ space and property. Follow adult directions the first time. Be prepared, on time, and ready to learn. Keep valuables at home. Report issues of harassment/ intimidation/bullying. Keep our school clean. Keep hands/feet/objects to self. Walk safely. Use materials and equipment appropriately. Ask for adult help if needed. Be helpful to others. All behavior expectations are outlined on the Behavior Expectations Chart in Planner on page 14
Volume Levels Level 0-Silence Level 1-Whisper Level 2-Quiet talk with partners at a table Level 3-Outside voices in outside areas only
Lunchroom Expectations Be respectful of ALL adults in the hallways, lunchroom, and outside Locker times Before/after school During passing period before and after lunch (you may not return to your lockers during lunch) With hall pass from teacher Composting and recycling is expected by all this year Clean up your area (towels provided to wipe up spills) Wait your turn in line All food is to be eaten in the cafeteria only.
Additional Lunchroom Expectations After eating, you may go to: the garden (please refrain from touching the plants/trees) Field or basketball courts Game Room in Portable 13 Library with a pass Available Restrooms during lunch: Girls: directly across from cafeteria Boys: go outside, through the garden, and around building to the restroom by the gym Remember, expected behavior is expected everywhere
Hall and Restroom Expectations
Hallway Expectations Walk on the RIGHT side of the hallway and stairs Make sure both outside doors are open (exit on the right and enter on the right) Be mindful of where you stand…make sure there is plenty of room for people to get by Walk…walk…walk (Translation: Running is not walking) Respect all student work in halls and in hands
Expected Times to Do Things Locker expectations: Before school Before lunch After lunch After school Bathroom expectations: Passing periods Visiting with Friends: During passing period, ONLY if you will be on time to class At lunch On your way home
Period 4 – Academic Expectations
Eckstein Academic Expectations First Then If Homework Write it in your planner when it is assigned and when it is due Ask questions before it is due Assure you have everything you need Take it home Get it out Do it Put it back in your binder Turn it in when it is due Not turned in on time: make a plan for completion Tell plan to your teacher Academic expectations are outlined on the Academic Expectations Chart Review academic expectations on chart with students Please take the time to review Academic Expectations Chart with students…go through each section to remind students what the expectations are for each area.
End of Semester Goals Using the Academic Expectations Chart, set at least one SPECIFIC goal for the rest of this semester Write this goal on the back of the Academic Expectations Chart Under this goal, write at least 2-3 things you are going to do to meet this goal Write this goal in your planner as well
Period 5 – Showing Respect in your Classes Sit up straight; feet on the floor Listen to the speaker Ask and Answer questions; keep a positive Attitude Nod to show you’re listening Track the Talker/Take Notes
See SLANT in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCYPgnWa0mM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLbpOWVfws8
Period 5 – Brain in the Palm of Your Hand
Video Explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD-lfP1FBFk This is a concept we shared with you at the beginning of the year---do you remember it? How can this illustration of how your brain operates help you throughout your school day? What are some strategies you can use when you “flip your lid”? How can we support each other when someone “flips their lid”? Take the time to have students turn and talk to answer these questions and share with the class, esp. their strategies for calming down after flipping their lid.
Period 6 – Technology and Safety
Use of Technology All use of personal technology needs to be school related Cell phones must be silenced at all times Students may never use phones for photos or videos due to safety concerns Your personal technology is your responsibility to keep safe Know where it is at all times Keep your locker combination safe
Use Technology Safely EVERYTHING you post, write, and photograph can be found Make SMART and POSITIVE choices when you use technology THINK TWICE before posting anything REPORT any cyber-bullying or harassment immediately REMEMBER even what you post on Facebook can have consequences at school
General Safety Be aware of your surroundings at all times Use marked crosswalks ONLY Make eye contact with drivers before you begin to cross the street Pay attention to buses, cabs, and other moving vehicles WALK on the sidewalks and crosswalks…darting into the street is dangerous Wear a helmet when you ride your bike Signal when you are riding your bike
As you go home today… Make sure to finish organizing your binder if needed Check your planner for assignment due dates Locate assignments you want to add to your portfolio in HR tomorrow Look at your goal for the rest of the semester…take steps TODAY to meet this gaol