Intelligent 5G Networks Managing 5G Wireless/Mobile Broadband Group 4
Contents Overview of 5G Requirements Driving the Progress Toward the Next Generation of WMB Evolving/ Emerging Technologies Related to the WMB World Advanced Management Intelligence for Agile System Behavior Overall Benefits 2
3 Requirements Better connection Speed and volume Energy Efficiency Integrated, dynamic radio access network Intelligent management mechanism Speed and volume Spectrum extension Millimeter wave Energy Efficiency No perceived delay Millimeter wave, new operation mechanism, on demand consumption Ultra low latency, SDN, D2D, network intelligence Secure network Physical channel authentication, virtualized authentication 3
4 OVERVIEW Technology Trend: Essential Advances Needed in Management Intelligence Main requirements Aim: Agile System Behavior, Reactive/Proactive, Automated/Prescriptive, Fast, Reliable, Trustworthy Ability to properly and efficiently provide a set of applications/services Higher valorization of the infrastructure Improvements in energy efficiency Technology Trend: Evolution in Network Technologies 4
Requirements Driving the Progress Toward the Next Generation of WMB SECTION 2 Requirements Driving the Progress Toward the Next Generation of WMB Applications and Services Valorization of the Infrastructure Energy Efficiency 5
Goals 7 Applications and Services Maximization of the efficiency of all economy sectors 01 Acceleration of enterprises in the sensing of Requirements Manufacturing of products and/or the creation of services Product/service life-cycle management Management of critical infrastructures and the ecosystem 02 The power grid, transportation networks, and other utilities) Cities plans (the smart-city vision) & buildings The ecosystem Goals Provision of human users with digitally enhanced ways of living 03 Facets of working, experiencing recreational/entertainment activities Acting as citizens, through augmented reality, social networking, and other applications 7
All types of media, most likely predominantly video Applications and Services Access Anyplace and anytime operation Media 1 trillion All types of media, most likely predominantly video Devices 10 billion Human end users Application provision Deployment QoS/QoE rapid, easy, and dependable guarantee of the highly diverse QoS/QoE levels achievement of proper application provision 8
VS Situation Requirements High mobile penetration Valorization of the Infrastructure Situation Requirements The current business model of the WMB world may soon prove to be unsustainable Increasing network costs and the inability to improve the operators incomes at the same pace Profitable and sustainable business model means for a higher monetization of the application/service provision improving the cost efficiency VS High mobile penetration More elaborate pricing Cost will increase Improve cost efficiency 9
2% 4.5% 50% 80% 10 Energy Efficiency Global energy consumption 4.5% Adding the consumption of personal computers and data centers 400 TWh per annum 50% WMB infrastructures 80% Operation of base stations 80 TWh per annum 10
Evolving/Emerging Technologies Related to the WMB world SECTION 3 Evolving/Emerging Technologies Related to the WMB world 11
12 Technologies New multiservice air interface Ultradense networks Encompassed RATs and the complementary exploitation Ultradense networks Decrease of the cell sizes Increase in the number of small-sized cells The potential methods versatile, local and networking constructs softwarization and virtualization cloud paradigm network sharing among operators wireless access providers 12
New Multiservice Air Interface Technologies Flexibility and versatility 03 01 Enable the support of various service classes by taking into account 5G requirement Goal Maximize the amount of the user-plane 06 Efficiency in resource consumption 04 Service provisioning 02 High mobility, ultra-high density and need for low latency 05 Scalability New Multiservice Air Interface Serve a vast amount of devices with good QoS 13
Softwarization and Virtualization Technologies Softwarization and Virtualization In the direction of improving resource utilization, there are also concepts of SDN and NFV. SDN: three layers (infrastructure layer, control layer and application layer) + various APIs for the communication between layers. 1 2 3 Infrastructure Control Application Comprises network devices and equipment Provides SDN control software and network services for addressing the requirement of the applications Provides open API links with other application or system 14
Advanced Management Intelligence for Agile System Behavior SECTION 4 Advanced Management Intelligence for Agile System Behavior Objective Approach Realization 15
17 Model of the intelligence Context recognition/ learning/ prediction Learning solutions per context Reasoning for good solutions New solutions for context handling Governance/ orchestration 17
18 Realization Solutions Development Problem statements are concrete and solutions are being developed and exist at various levels of maturity. Development How to properly allocate the intelligence in the protocol stack from physical to management layers and also how to partition between hardware implementations and cloud-based ones 18
SECTION 5 Overall Benefits 19
Spectral efficiency increase Benefits 5G goal of 1,000x increased capacity 2.8% 24% 15% Spectrum increase Spectral efficiency increase More cells Energy savings from sharing physical infrastructure is up to 60% The constant decrease of the cell sizes leads to cheaper cells and less expensive production Decrease in size → decrease in cost of production machinery The potential of the softwarization and virtualization of network functions → more dynamic allocation of inter-network resources 20
21 Benefits 01 Co-op 02 Spec 03 Cell Network Providers must co-operate to share the infrastructure Historically this has led to excessive royalties and fees being demanded by the regional/national monopoly if it is a private entity Spec 02 The use of a wider range of bands requires licensing and strong spectrum management Cell 03 Increase in the number of small-sized cells, with the goal of obtaining ultra-dense networks Investment required to increase production of cells and development of smaller cells Require new permits to set up smaller cells which can be very costly 21
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