Energy Group Meeting Brussels, 14 September 2016 Luc van Dyck European Physical Society (EPS) Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation Societal Challenge `Secure, clean and efficient energy´ Energy Group Meeting Brussels, 14 September 2016 Luc van Dyck
Horizon 2020 8th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development 2014-2020 – €80.109 Proposal by the European Commission (EC); co-decision by the Council and the Parliament Implemented through Work Programmes (calls) – EC & comitology 3 main pillars: Excellent Science (ERC, RI, MSCA, FET) – €24.109 Industrial Leadership (ICT, nano, space, materials, biotech) – €17.109 Societal Challenges (health, food, climate, transport, security, societies, energy) - €30.109
Interim Evaluation Legal obligation Q3 2016 – end of 2017 Public consultation: September 2016 – January 2017 Assessment of WPs 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 Indicators Input for last WP 2018-2020 Input for preparation of Framework Programme 9 (2021-2027)
EPS Contribution: Scope & Objectives Societal Challenge `Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy´ Visibility: Respond to public consultation Organize a public event Impact: Focus on the objectives of the Interim Evaluation (e.g. nuclear energy not included; not general policy but RT&D) Provide sensible, practical & pragmatic recommendations that can be used by the Commission (research areas, techical challenges, etc.)
Policy Framework: Horizon 2020 Objectives Legal and other objectives of the Framework Programme Based on the Treaty establishing the EU, the Framework Programmes serve two main strategic objectives: strengthening the scientific and technological bases of industry and encouraging its international competitiveness while promoting research activities in support of other EU policies. Horizon 2020 aims to contribute to building a society and an economy based on knowledge and innovation across the Union by leveraging additional research, development and innovation funding and by contributing to attaining research and development targets, including the target of 3% of GDP for research and development across the Union by 2020. Horizon 2020 supports the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and other Union policies, as well as the achievement and functioning of the European Research Area (ERA).
Policy Framework: Societal Challenge Energy Declaration of the Commission on energy The Commission acknowledges the essential future role of end-user energy efficiency and renewable energy, the importance of better grids and storage in maximising their potential, and the need for market uptake measures to build capacity, improve governance and overcome market barriers so that energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions can be rolled out. The Commission will endeavour to ensure that at least 85 %, of the energy challenge budget of Horizon 2020 is spent in non-fossil fuels areas, within which at least 15 % of the overall energy challenge budget is spent on market up-take activities of existing renewable and energy efficiency technologies in the Intelligent Energy Europe III Programme. This Programme will be implemented by a dedicated management structure and will also include support for sustainable energy policy implementation, capacity building and mobilisation of financing for investment, as been undertaken until today. The remaining part will be devoted to fossil based technologies and development options, which are considered essential for reaching the 2050 vision and supporting the transformation to a sustainable energy system.
EPS strategy Today‘s discussion Review objectives and scope of the Societal Challenge `Energy´ Review areas covered by the Work Programmes (calls for proposals) 2014-2017 to ascertain adequacy between objectives of Horizon 2020 and practical implementation. For 1 & 2, consider gap analysis & recommendations! Example: WPs too technological and “short-termism”? Advocacy for research that can bring about long-term solutions needed to address Societal Challenges + research areas Consultation of physicists participating in Horizon 2020. Drafting of the EPS contribution, endorsement by Energy Group/EPS, and submission to the public consultation (January 2017). Public event in Brussels with the participation of EC and EP Officials, stakeholders. Volunteers? Suggestions?
Reviewing the objectives and scope of the Societal Challenge `Energy´ Relevance of the policy objectives and rationale Scope of activities, including a gap analysis Recommendations for future activities
Societal Challenge `Efficient Energy´ Designed to support the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy systems in a context of increasingly scarce resources, growing energy needs, climate change etc. Budget of €5,931 million to non-nuclear energy research for 2014-2020 Specific objectives & research areas Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources A single, smart European electricity grid New knowledge and technologies Robust decision making and public engagement Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe
1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use Activities shall focus on research and full-scale testing of new concepts, non-technological solutions, more efficient, socially acceptable and affordable technology components and systems with in-built intelligence, to allow real-time energy management for new and existing near-zero-emission, near-zero-energy and positive energy buildings, retrofitted buildings, cities and districts, renewable heating and cooling, highly efficient industries and mass take-up of energy efficiency and energy saving solutions and services by companies, individuals, communities and cities. Research and demonstration activities within this area will focus on buildings, industry, heating and cooling, SMEs and energy-related products and services, integration of ICT and cooperation with the telecom sector The focus on smart cities technologies will result in commercial-scale solutions with a high market potential
2. Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply Activities shall focus on research, development and full scale demonstration of innovative renewables, efficient, flexible and low carbon emission fossil power plants and carbon capture and storage, or CO 2 re-use technologies, offering larger scale, lower cost, environmentally safe technologies with higher conversion efficiency and higher availability for different market and operating environments. Research activities within this area will cover: Photovoltaics, Concentrated Solar Power, Wind energy, Ocean Energy, Hydro Power, Geothermal Energy, Renewable Heating and Cooling, Energy Storage, Biofuels and Alternative Fuels, Carbon Capture and Storage
3. Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources Activities shall focus on research, development and full scale demonstration of technologies and value chains to make bioenergy and other alternative fuels more competitive and sustainable for power and heat and for surface, maritime and air transport, with potential for more efficient energy conversion, to reduce time to market for hydrogen and fuel cells and to bring new options showing long-term potential to maturity.
4. A single, smart European electricity grid Activities shall focus on research, development and full scale demonstration of new smart energy grid technologies, back-up and balancing technologies enabling higher flexibility and efficiency, including conventional power plants, flexible energy storage, systems and market designs to plan, monitor, control and safely operate interoperable networks, including standardisation issues, in an open, decarbonised, environmentally sustainable, climate-resilient and competitive market, under normal and emergency conditions.
5. New knowledge and technologies Activities shall focus on multi-disciplinary research for clean, safe and sustainable energy technologies (including visionary actions) and joint implementation of pan-European research programmes and world- class facilities.
6. Robust decision making & public engagement Activities shall focus on the development of tools, methods, models and forward-looking and perspective scenarios for a robust and transparent policy support, including activities on public engagement, user involvement, environmental impact and sustainability assessment improving the understanding of energy- related socio-economic trends and prospects. Updating the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Define priorities across the entire energy system through one consistent agenda at EU level from research to market uptake
7. Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe Activities shall build upon and further enhance those undertaken within the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme. They shall focus on applied innovation and promotion of standards to facilitate the market uptake of energy technologies and services, to address non-technological barriers and to accelerate the cost-effective implementation of the Union's energy policies. Attention will also be given to innovation for the smart and sustainable use of existing technologies.
Volunteers to have a look at the Work Programmes? Suggestions of physicists participating in Horizon 2020 programmes (Societal Challenge `Energy´)