MiFID II/R Systematic Internalisers for bond markets July 2015 Author: Andy Hill
What is a systematic internaliser? MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers What is a systematic internaliser? MiFID I (2007) introduced the systematic internaliser (SI) regime for equity markets, where an SI for a particular instrument is ‘an investment firm which, on an organised, frequent and systematic basis, deals on own account by executing client orders outside a regulated market or an MTF’. Following implementation of MiFID I, a smaller number of firms became SIs than expected: the qualitative nature of the criteria that defined an SI made the assessment highly subjective, and many firms concluded that that they did not meet the criteria. MiFID II/R extends the SI regime to a broader range of financial instruments, including bonds. It applies to an investment firm which, on an organised, frequent and systematic, and substantial basis, deals on its own account by executing client orders outside a RM, MTF, or OTF. MiFID II/R further sets out quantitative thresholds for ‘frequent and systematic’ and ‘substantial’.
Proposed trading thresholds for SIs: (i) frequent and systematic MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Proposed trading thresholds for SIs: (i) frequent and systematic The frequent and systematic basis will be measured by the number of OTC trades in the financial instrument carried out by the investment firm executing client orders on its own account. For liquid bonds, this is where the number of trades during the last six months is equal to or larger than 2.5% of the total number of transactions in the relevant financial instruments in the EU executed on any venue or OTC during the same period. At a minimum, the firm shall deal on its own account in the instrument once a week. For illiquid bonds, this is where the firm has dealt on its own account OTC in the financial instrument on average once a week during the last six months. Source: ESMA’s Technical Advice to the Commission on MiFID II and MiFIR – Final Report, December 19 2014 http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2014-1569_final_report_-_esmas_technical_advice_to_the_commission_on_mifid_ii_and_mifir.pdf
Proposed trading thresholds for SIs: (ii) substantial MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Proposed trading thresholds for SIs: (ii) substantial The substantial basis will be measured either by the size of the firm’s OTC trading on own account in relation to the total trading of the firm in a specific instrument, or by the size of the firm’s OTC trading on own account compared with the total trading in the EU in a specific financial instrument. The firm internalises on a substantial basis if the size of OTC trading on own account during the last six months is equal to or larger than: 25% of the total nominal amount traded in that financial instrument executed by the investment firm on its own account or on behalf of clients, and carried out on any trading venue or OTC; or 0.5-1.5% of the total nominal amount traded in that financial instrument executed in the EU and carried out on any EU trading venue or OTC. Source: ESMA’s Technical Advice to the Commission on MiFID II and MiFIR – Final Report, December 19 2014 http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2014-1569_final_report_-_esmas_technical_advice_to_the_commission_on_mifid_ii_and_mifir.pdf
Proposed thresholds for bonds MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Proposed thresholds for bonds
Proposed assessments for SIs MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Proposed assessments for SIs The investment firm shall assess whether it meets both the ‘frequent and systematic’ and ‘substantial’ criteria on a quarterly basis, based on data from the last six months. These assessments shall be performed on the first working day of January, April, July, and October. For new instruments, the assessments shall only be considered once the data covers a minimum period of six weeks. MiFID II/R allows firms to choose to opt-in to be a systematic internaliser for a financial instrument, even where it does not meet all or any of the quantitative criteria, provided it complies with the requirements for SIs.
MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Requirements for SIs The main purpose of the systematic internaliser regime is to ensure that the internalisation of order flow by investment firms does not undermine the efficiency of price formation on RMs, MTFs, and OTFs. Effectively, SIs are subject to the same pre-trade transparency requirements (including the same conditions for waivers). The investment firm will be identified in the case of an SI quote, whereas on a venue quotes will be averaged across all quoting firms and anonymized. SIs are also subject to the same post-trade transparency requirements and waivers as RMs, MTFs, OTFs, and other investment firms. In the case of liquid bonds, SIs must make public firm quotes to all their clients when (a) they are requested for a quote by a client, or (b) they agree to provide a quote.
Requirements for SIs (cont.) MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Requirements for SIs (cont.) In the case of illiquid bonds, SIs must disclose firm quotes to their clients on request only where they agree to provide a quote. SIs may update their quotes at any time, and may also withdraw quotes under exceptional circumstances. Notwithstanding, SIs are allowed to decide which clients have access to their quotes, on the basis of their commercial policy and in an objective, non-discriminatory way (thus SIs retain control over their trading activity).
Pre-trade transparency MiFID II/R – Systematic Internalisers Pre-trade transparency v Trade RM, MTF, OTF, SI Off - venue Trading ? Large trade? LIS Other? OMF LIGHT DARK Liquid? RFQ, Voice broked Liquid SSTI
ICMA Secondary Markets contacts Elizabeth Callaghan liz.callaghan@icmagroup.org +44(0)20 7213 0313 Alexander Westphal alexander.westphal@icmagroup.org +44(0)20 7213 0333 Andy Hill andy.hill@icmagroup.org +44(0)20 7213 0335 This presentation is provided for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal, financial, or other professional advice. While the information contained herein is taken from sources believed to be reliable, ICMA does not represent or warrant that it is accurate or complete and neither ICMA nor its employees shall have any liability arising from or relating to the use of this publication or its contents. © International Capital Market Association (ICMA), Zurich, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission from ICMA.