Better Student Performance So, What Are We Waiting For? Better Classroom Ventilation Leads To… Better Student Health Better Student Performance Significant Energy Savings So, What Are We Waiting For?
Better Classroom Ventilation Better Attendance means more learning and more dollars Better Student Health California Study of 168 Classrooms1 Increasing classroom VRs from the California average (8.5 cfm per person) to the State standard of 15 cfm would decrease Illness Absences by 3.4% Texas Study of 120 Classrooms2 Median CO2 levels were 28% higher than ASHRAE limit Washington & Idaho Study of 434 Classrooms3 A 1000 PPM increase in CO2 was associated with a 10% - 20% increase in student absence School funding often depends on daily attendance, so better attendance may often pay for ventilation upgrades. (1) Mendell et al (2013) "Association of Classroom Ventilation With Reduced Illness Absence..." (2) Corsi et al (2002) "Carbon Dioxide Levels and Dynamics in Elementary Schools..." (3) Shendell et al (2004) "Associations between classroom CO2 concentrations and student attendance..." For full references, see
Better ventilation Better occupant performance Better Ventilation means Better Performance Better occupant performance Harvard Study4 On average, a 400 ppm increase in CO2 was associated with a 21% decrease in cognitive function scores 70-school Study in Southwestern US5 Students’ mean mathematics scores were increased by 0.5% per 2 cfm/person increase in ventilation rate within the range of 2 – 15 cfm 54-school Study across USA6 Math and Reading scores were 14% higher when VRs were greater than 10 cfm/student compared to scores when VRs were less than 5 cfm/student We are handicapping our students… (1) Allen, et al., Associations of Cognitive Function Scores with Carbon Dioxide, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compound Exposures..." (2) Shaughnessy, et al., Effects of Classroom Ventilation Rate andTemperature on Students’ Test Scores..." (3) Shaughnessy, et al., "A preliminary study on the association between ventilation rates in classrooms and student performance …" For full references, see
So, Why are most classrooms under-ventilated? Classic Rooftop HVAC Units (RTUs) Only Ventilate When Heating or Cooling RTU Dampers Are Not Working Properly Just Too Noisy Outside to Open Windows Too Much of a Hassle to Open and Close Windows Answer: Separate Ventilation From Heating and Cooling With Smart Ventilation™ Management V H AC
Smart Ventilation Management Designed for Classrooms Introducing the vs500 SQ The VS500 SQ – A Super Quiet HRV Mounts below, or partially in, a classroom ceiling Minimizes ducting – weekend installation Horizontal air distribution minimizes drafts Easy replacement of filters Efficient, Quiet Up to 90% Sensible Energy Recovery means no hot/cold breezes Energy Savings – 20%, or upgrade to DMS for 50%+ savings Less than 35 dB of hum Intelligent Control Options Time-of-Day, Day-of-Week CO2 Level, Boost Mode, and more
Throughout the whole classroom Fresh Air Throughout the whole classroom Introducing the vs500 SQ
Monitor – Manage - Maximize Across a School Portfolio Introducing the vs500 SQ In Stand-alone Mode – Add Fresh Air, Save Energy Heats or cools outside air to + 2/3 degrees of indoor air Leave RTU on the roof – close the OA damper For greater savings – replace the RTU with a DMS H&C system Add our SBG with Smart Ventilation Cloud Services Monitor and manage multiple VS500 SQs Across a property, across a school district Receive alerts and monthly performance summaries Maximize Operations and Performance Centrally control operational schedules Plan filter replacements only when needed Optimize free cooling dependent on building characteristics
A Free Vs500 sq For a pilot classroom Introducing the vs500 SQ CO2 Monitoring Before/After Find an inadequately-ventilated classroom 2 weeks of pre-installation monitoring Continuous post-installation monitoring via built-in CO2 sensor School Gets a Free Ventilator, Installation, and Monitoring School gets robust data to make their case for better ventilation Engineer/contractor/partner gets valuable case study Schools to be Sponsored By NEEA Seeking applicants for NEEA-sponsored deployment in WA/OR/ID/MT Seeking additional partners, in additional states Apply Now Talk to Us about a Free VS500 SQ for Your School