Global Environment Officers Workshop 7/13/2015 Overview of the BAA Global Environment Officers Workshop 24 Feb 2016
WHAT IS THE BAA? Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) are notices of funding opportunity that parallel an RFP or APS/RFA For “basic and applied research and that part of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement” BAA ≠ co-creation Fairly new to USAID, not new to the USG Stand-alone, or as as an umbrella with addenda Issued under FAR Part 35, Research and Development Contracting Can result in any type of award (e.g. contract, grant, cooperative agreement), multiple awards, multiple projects, or no award. Considered a competitive process under FAR 6.102, using a “peer or scientific review process” Posted on both and and once posted, you can reach out to anyone to ask them to consider it. In fact, it is encouraged to develop a proactive outreach strategy for communications to potential responders. (FAR 35.004 says agencies must continually search for and develop information on sources) Allows, but does not require co-creation. Increasing use in scenarios of multi-partner co-creation is relatively new in USG.
DEFINITIONS OF R&D "Basic research” means that research directed toward increasing knowledge in science. The primary aim of basic research is a fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, rather than any practical application of that knowledge. FAR 2.101. “Applied research” means that effort which (1) normally follows basic research, but may not be severable from the related basic research, (2) attempts to determine and exploit the potential of scientific discoveries or improvements in technology, materials, processes, methods, devices, or techniques, and (3) attempts to advance the state of the art. “Development” means the systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge in the design, development, test, or evaluation of a potential new product or service (or of an improvement in an existing product or service) for the purpose of meeting specific performance requirements or objectives… USAID Context: We would rarely engage in “Basic Research.” Our work may relate to some “Applied Research” (e.g., funding to exploit the potential of academic breakthroughs in AIDS research); or most likely, “Development” (e.g. application of commercial practices to global development (in USAID sense) goals).
THE BAA PROCESS IDEA! Codify Relationship 3 Umbrella BAA BAA/ Addendum Partner Selection Review Board BAA/ Addendum Co-Create Concept IDEA! Co-Develop Mgmt. Approval Codify Relationship Implementation Meet Pre-Obligation Requirements 3
TO USE OR NOT TO USE? YES, give it a shot! NO, look somewhere else Clear and specific development problem Need for cross-cutting innovations that have NOT been done before (new/refined approach or new context) Opportunity to co-develop and co- design one or multiple solutions with a BROAD range of partners Sufficient internal resources (political, human, time, $) to blaze a new path Known solution and/or partner(s) Need to push funds out the door quickly Low tolerance (internal or partners) for uncertainty & flexibility in the process Highly limited in terms of time or creative energy Other options can get you what you need
LESSONS LEARNED Involve CO/AO throughout the process; RLA as needed Set clear and consistent objectives for the process Design a holistic process, not just an event Communicate often and be transparent Think through the composition of the participant group - both desired and actual Strongly consider external facilitation of co-creation Design to solution, not to instrument or resources Prepare for uncertainty and lack of full control Co-creation ≠ innovation Focus on relationships with and among participating orgs
Key Resources FAR 35: BAA Webinar: M/OAA/SIDP website: Provides step-by-step guide to key decisions and resources for walking the procurement path MyUSAID Community of Practice (CoP):!/subjects/46656 Regular postings of useful documents/resources and access to others who have gone through the process Lab Advisory Support: