Spanish looking for riches in Texas
Alonso Alvarez de Pineda What did Pineda accomplish? PINEDA, ALONSO ALVAREZ DE He was a Spanish explorer and map-maker. He explored and charted the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico in 1519. Captain De Pineda and his crew were probably the first Europeans in Texas, claiming it for Spain.. Alonso Alvarez de Pineda What did Pineda accomplish? How would this help other conquistadors?
Pineda finds no riches-- Spanish keep looking
Cabeza De Vaca 1528- 1530s 3. What areas of North America did Cabeza de Vaca explore?
Cabeza de Vaca tells stories of riches-- Spanish keep looking 4. How did Cabeza de Vaca impact the activities of the conquistadors?
Coronado 1540-42 His expedition traveled throughout the Southwest and Great Plains regions looking for cities of gold like the fabled Cibola. 5. What areas of North America did Coronado explore? 6. What was he looking for?
Moscoso 6. What areas did Moscoso explore? In July 1543, the remnants of Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto's expedition, led by Luis de Moscoso Alvarado, were forced ashore along the Texas coast between Sabine Pass and High Island. 6. What areas did Moscoso explore?
So the Spanish don’t pay much attention to Texas until . . . Spanish find no easy wealth-no large amount of gold and silver (like in Mexico)— So the Spanish don’t pay much attention to Texas until . . . 8. Why did the Spanish spend so little time and effort in settling Texas?
La Salle, a French explorer, tries to settle in Texas and establish trading posts in the 1680s 9. Was La Salle a conquistador? 10. What areas did La Salle explore? 11. What was he trying to accomplish?
In response the Spanish build missions and presidios (forts) to protect their prized possession of Mexico from other Europeans. So Texas becomes a buffer zone (a space to protect an area) to keep others away from the gold and silver of Mexico. 12. How did the Spanish react to L Salle? 13. What were the Spanish attempting to do? What was their goal?
Spanish Empire in the 1600s 14. Describe the Spanish Empire geographically. In other words, what geographic areas did Spain control in the 1600s?