Lunch at the Beach 4 2 3 1 Sack Lunch Ella Alana Eddie Hunter Kailey Eric Christina Sami Kassie Ben Nate Alesia Sack Lunch Emma Cameron Jamie Haleigh Drake
5/4/12 DOL Test Name 1. the class's mural feachures an celebration, and is painted in brite colors 2. the mural is the most biggest piece of art in the neighbor hood
Morning Work
Freedom Rap Being free means being me Able to fly where I can see People below doing everyday so It is nice to be free I come and go as I please Home or away its just me doing me Life is a gift even to the small I fly so I can see free, free for us all Wind on my feather much more than just better I can be free, free to be me
Talking Walls Art for the People Click the book for Quizlet questions Click Quia Rags to Riches
Using an Expanded Alorithm Step-Up 3
Introduction Begin you critique by describing the performance with factual information. The state you main idea (how you feel about the performance). Body Explain in detail why the performance scored the way it did. Give specific details and explain each deduction and/or addition. Closing Summarize your Ideas and repeat you main idea.
Listen to this book and answer the following question using ACE! Click the story to find it on Storyline online web site. Use 512 broadband to play. What are some of Trisha's character traits, use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Lab Time 1. AR Quizzes 2. Selection Test 3. Sum Dog
Math Facts Today's Date is 5/4/12
Does your folder look like this?
Friday Sheet