Numeracy Skills Framework Nagla Jebeile NSW Department of Education Numeracy Advisor © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Across the Curriculum 18 September 2018
Numeracy K-12 Policy 1.1.1 Numeracy 1.1.1 Numeracy To be numerate is to use mathematical ideas effectively to participate in daily life and make sense of the world. It incorporates the use of numerical, spatial, graphical, statistical and algebraic concepts and skills in a variety of contexts and involves the critical evaluation, interpretation, application and communication of mathematical information in a range of practical situations. 1.2.1 Numeracy Teaching All teachers in NSW government schools will develop students' numeracy skills and understandings across all Key Learning Areas. © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy K-12 Policy 18 September 2018
Numeracy K-12 Policy 1.2.2 Numeracy Teaching Teachers will identify and support the specific numeracy demands of the Key Learning Areas leading to knowledge, skills and understandings in: mental computation and numerical reasoning patterning, generalisation and algebraic reasoning applying measurement strategies spatial visualisation and geometric reasoning data analysis, including tables graphical representation and analysis. © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy K-12 Policy 18 September 2018
Numeracy is one of the General Capability explicitly addressed in the NSW Syllabuses ACARA © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy General Capability 18 September 2018
How was this document developed? The numeracy Skills Framework was developed using all NSW Syllabuses K-10 for the Australian curriculum, the Australian Core Skills Framework and ACARA documents © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Across the Curriculum 18 September 2018
NSW School consultation quae. © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Across the Curriculum 18 September 2018 This resource was developed with teachers and consulted on by Executive teams and teachers in NSW Public Schools K-12.
What is the Numeracy skills Framework? provides teachers with the numeracy skills required by students at each stage of development across all syllabuses supports the successful integration of numeracy across the curriculum lists the range of numeracy skills from preschool to year 10 allows teachers to identify stage skills allows teachers to assess students’ prior learning strategies for the successful integration of numeracy within each key learning area information essential for devising lessons with appropriate differentiation strategies © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Skills Framework 18 September 2018
Numeracy is every teacher’s responsibility The key to successfully addressing numeracy across the curriculum: is for teachers to understand the mathematical demands of the work they set students the potential difficulties of the numeracy aspects students may experience knowledge of various strategies to assist students to improve numeracy outcomes for all students © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Skills Framework 18 September 2018
Numeracy is every teachers responsibility While the majority of the responsibility for the enhancement of mathematical skills lies within the mathematics classroom, numeracy skills can only be developed when numeracy is implemented across the curriculum and across a range of contexts by all teachers. This involves a whole school focus, with numeracy skills explicitly taught through every syllabus and by every teacher. © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy 18 September 2018
The Numeracy Skills Framework consists of five Focus Areas Focus Area 1: Mental computation and numerical reasoning A student identifies mathematical information, understands numbers, calculates, estimates and solves problems. Focus Area 2: Patterns and algebraic reasoning A student identifies patterns, develops algebraic reasoning and makes generalisations. Focus Area 3: Spatial visualisation, geometric reasoning and mapping A student understands and applies concepts of 2D shapes and 3D objects, angles and position. Focus Area 4: Measurement and time calculations A student applies measurement strategies and understands time. Focus Area 5: Graphical representation and data analysis A student represents and interprets data in graphs, tables and diagrams.
aspects of numeracy KLA applications and considerations
Each focus area lists the numeracy skills for each stage of schooling from preschool to year 10 Public Schools NSW Numeracy skills framework is a collection of numeracy skills sets students require to be successful across all curriculum areas The framework This is a planning and programming tool, The Numeracy continuum is a subset of the Numeracy skills framework and Numeracy skills complements the numeracy continuum
Our priority is to Cater for all Students Students above stage Students at stage level Students below stage © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy 18 September 2018
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18 September 2018
Identify Numeracy demands in your kla In faculty groups, list the areas where students experience difficulty with numeracy in your KLA. (In 10 minutes, use A3 paper and markers) Each faculty reports back to the whole staff. Where do students experience difficulty with numeracy in science in year 7? Estimation Measurement Drawing graphs …… © NSW Department of Education | Document title 18 September 2018
Identify Three Numeracy focus areas from NAPLAN Data Use the item analysis option to identify areas for focus, to improve student numeracy outcomes. Each KLA will look explicitly at these numeracy areas in context within their existing teaching and learning programs. Focus 1: Focus 2: Focus 3: © NSW Department of Education | Document title 18 September 2018
Plan numeracy activities to explicitly teach numeracy skills within teaching and learning programs. © NSW Department of Education 18 September 2018
Group Activity Using your scope and sequence and teaching programs map the numeracy skills that you will be covering within existing programs. © NSW Department of Education | Document title 18 September 2018
Each faculty maps the numeracy skills addressed within teaching programs for each year group and the time when the skill is taught to provide a holistic map of numeracy. © NSW Department of Education | Document title
Newman’s Error Analysis The Hurdles Reading Newman (1977) identified five basic steps students must typically work through to solve written word problems. Comprehension Transformation Process Skills Encoding
Newman’s prompts Newman suggested five prompts to determine where errors may occur in students’ attempts to solve written problems. The Hurdles Newman’s Prompts Reading 1. Please read the question to me. Comprehension 2. Tell me what the question is asking you to do. Transformation 3. Tell me how you are going to find the answer. Processing Skills 4. Show me what to do to get the answer. Encoding 5. Now, write down your answer.
Newman’s in action
What can you tell us about Taylor’s problem solving? Problem 1 | pizza What can you tell us about Taylor’s problem solving? Ben has 2 identical pizzas. He cuts one pizza equally into 4 slices. He then cuts the other pizza equally into 8 small slices. A large slice weighs 32 grams more than the small slice. What is the mass of one whole pizza? Answer =
Newman’s in action
Problem 2 | Milk jug What can you tell us about Meesam’s problem solving?
© NSW Department of Education | Document title 18 September 2018
Numeracy Focus points Prior knowledge and skills assessed Identify Student Numeracy Skills and Concepts Assess Numeracy skills and content within a context Provide a range of representations and strategies Provide authentic numeracy activities for students to engage in and think about © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy 18 September 2018
Numeracy across the curriculum - Course Online 5 hours Accredited Course © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy Across the Curriculum 18 September 2018
Mathematics diagnostic tasks Download a copy © NSW Department of Education | Mathematics Diagnostic Tasks 18 September 2018
Numeracy strategies for students © NSW Department of Education | Numeracy 18 September 2018
Mathematics Teaching Ideas © NSW Department of Education | Document title 18 September 2018