QUESTION 3 Describe a Picture
A-B-C Warm-up! Correct answer sit down Ask Bring Cut Dance Erase verbs 동사 ADJECTIVES 형용사 Ask Bring Cut Dance Erase Fight Go Question 3
TOEIC Q3: Describe a Picture You will see and hear the directions. You will see ONE picture. 45 30 seconds to prepare. 45 seconds to talk about the picture recorded Question 3
Evaluation Criteria 평가 Pronunciation Intonation and Stress Grammar Vocabulary Cohesion How well your ideas go together 일관성 Question 3
Scoring Guide for Question 3 Detailed; descriptive Very intelligible 이해할 수 있는 Limited vocabulary Sometimes clear Poor vocabulary Not intelligible No answer; not in English 3 points Question 3
Introduction– Identify the picture Person(s) Landmark Scene SITUATIONS: Shopping Travel Dining and Entertainment Home Sports / Leisure Question 3
This is a drawing of the flag of South Korea. Question 3
This is a drawing of the Taegeukgi – the flag of South Korea. Question 3
This is a picture of Ban Ki Moon. This is a painting of Ban Ki Moon. This is a water color painting of the U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon. water color Question 3
This is a picture of a Disney movie titled Frozen. This poster shows the characters from the Disney movie, Frozen. poster Question 3
Midterm PREVIEW!!! Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
On the Speaking Test (MIDTERM) I will choose one picture. You will describe the picture. Preparation starts TODAY! Start viewing the pictures for Question 3 PRACTICE TEST Question 3
Introduction– Identify the picture Look at main details in the picture Main image? Setting? Use adjectives – 형용사 Describe the people / place / things Color? Size? Shape? What kind? How many? Make it interesting, so the listener can “picture” your picture. where… when… (time/ season ) Question 3
Can I use more than one adjective? What do I say first? Website: Order of adjectives Question 3
Question 3
Talk to your partner Choose three items that you have. Describe these items (use 2-3 adjectives) item1: I have a pretty, pink, plastic pencil case. item2: This is a/an adjective1, adjective2, adjective3 ------ item3: I am wearing a/an adjective1, adjective2, adjective3 ----- Question 3
COHESION Question 3
Question 3
Describe the picture** This is a picture of a supermarket. There are four customers in the picture. A woman and her daughter are standing behind a shopping cart. The helpful shop assistant is working at the cash register. He is wearing a blue apron and a name badge. Another woman is paying for her groceries. There are some wooden shelves in the background. Question 3
Describe the picture** This is a picture of a supermarket. There are four customers in the picture. A woman and her daughter are standing behind a shopping cart. The helpful shop assistant is working at the cash register. He is wearing a blue apron and a name badge. Another woman is paying for her groceries. There are some wooden shelves in the background. Question 3
2) What is happening in the picture? Actions Clothes TEST TIP: GIVE EXTRA INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCENE Example: What has happened? What will possibly happen? Question 3
2) What else can you see / not see? Only if it’s relevant Where is it in the picture? “There are several girls in the class, but there aren’t any boys.” Question 3
At the top of the picture… On the left side of the picture… On the right side of the picture… At the bottom of the picture… Question 3
At the bottom of the picture, there are … At the top of the picture, there is … At the bottom of the picture, there are … Question 3
On the left side of the picture, there is a … On the right side of the picture, you can see … beautiful woman in a pretty, red dress. a Christmas tree with colorful decorations. Question 3
corner corner corner corner Question 3
upper corner upper corner lower corner lower corner Question 3
left-hand corner right-hand corner left-hand corner right-hand corner Question 3
In the upper left-hand corner… In the upper right-hand corner… In the lower left-hand corner… In the lower right-hand corner… Question 3
In the upper-left hand corner, you can see a hot-air balloon. ___________________________________________ In the upper-left hand corner, you can see a hot-air balloon. Q: Where is the hot-air balloon?
In the lower-right hand corner, you can see a brown dog. ___________________________________________ Q: What can you see in the lower-right hand corner?
In the upper-right hand corner, the sun is shining brightly. ___________________________________________ In the upper-right hand corner, the sun is shining brightly. Q: Where is the sun?
In the lower-left hand corner, there are daisies. ___________________________________________ Q: What can you see in the lower-left hand corner?
Far / near In the background, there are many buildings. In the foreground, there is … a man playing the saxophone in the moonlight. Question 3
I will show you a picture … Ask DIFFERENT questions about the picture: Q) What can you see in the background? A) You can see (blah blah) in the background. Q ) What can you see at the bottom? A ) There is/are (blah blah) at the bottom. Question 3
A: What can you see in/on/at the … ? B: You can see … There is/are … You can see mountains in the background. There is a road __?__ There are trees … There are houses …
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer Is Student A … speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score (why???) 00:00:00 PREPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
B: What can you see in/on/at the … ? A: We can see … There is/are … We can see a white tower in the background. There are ferries … There are buildings …
A: What can you see in/on/at the … B: We can see … There is/are … You can see large rocks … There are boats …
Question 3 2 pictures, 10 points Minus points if answer is not clear, too short ZERO if you don’t record/save ZERO if you’re not in class (absent) NO EXCUSES Question 3
Homework/vocabulary Read pages 24–29 FRIDAY, APRIL 1 Vocabulary words will be taken from this section FRIDAY, APRIL 1 1) Question 3, 2 pictures – record during class 2) VOCABULARY QUIZ 1
A-B-C Warm-up! Angry aunt J----- j----- Big building K----- k----- Correct answer sit down TOPIC: Adjective 형용사 + Noun 명사 Angry aunt J----- j----- Big building K----- k----- C----- c----- L----- l----- D----- d----- M----- m----- E----- e----- N----- n----- F----- f----- O----- o----- G----- g----- P----- p----- H----- h----- Q----- q----- I ----- i----- R----- r----- Question 3
Next class Record Question 3 (10 points) Take vocabulary quiz About 3 minutes Take vocabulary quiz Word list is posted on the website Question 3
When describing a picture … Introduction (Main image… setting) Talk about: What is happening in the picture? What else can you see? (top/bottom/ left/right/ background/foreground) Opinion about the picture Question 3
3) Opinion about the picture The couple is happy because they are in love! Comment of people’s emotions What do you think/feel? What memories do you remember? ALWAYS SUPPORT YOUR OPINION 어떻게? 방법 Cause? Effect? 3 Es: explain, elaborate, examples 설명하다, 자세히 논의하다, 본보기 예를들 She received flowers from her boyfriend, so she is very happy. Page 59 – subway picture; page 75 – library, girls whispering page59 page75 Question 3
Describing a picture– 1) Introduction Talk about: Main image… setting Talk about: 2) What is happening in the picture? What else can you see? Actions, clothes season Location in the picture (right/left/ top/bottom, etc.) Add details (what happened/ will happen) 3) Give opinion Support opinion What do you think about the picture? Comment on people’s emotions How does it make you feel? What memories do you remember? EXPLAIN ELABORATE Give EXAMPLES Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? Evaluation criteria: 3 what did you like? 2/1 what’s missing? How can it be better? Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
Find a NEW partner! 00:00:00 RESPONSE TIME: 08 07 09 12 06 11 10 04 29 00 01 02 13 03 05 15 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 17 16 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
TIPS Must do: Carefully study your picture. Talk for ALL the time you are given. You have 45 seconds to describe the picture, use EVERY second. READ– There are useful links on the website, and Useful language in your book, pages 23–29. Question 3
Practice Test! Exchange pictures Study the picture –quietly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? Exchange pictures Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
Find a NEW partner! 00:00:00 RESPONSE TIME: 08 07 09 12 06 11 10 04 29 00 01 02 13 03 05 15 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 17 16 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
TIPS Don’t: Get distracted; focus on your picture, focus on YOUR answers. Panic if your mind goes blank. Take a deep breath, look at the picture and start again. Question 3
Practice Test! Exchange pictures Study the picture –quietly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? Exchange pictures Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student A Student b (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to A’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? 00:00:00 PREPARATION TIME: 08 07 09 10 11 06 12 02 29 00 01 13 04 03 05 17 25 24 26 27 30 28 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14 Question 3
Practice Test! Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Student B Student A (Teacher) Study the picture –quietly Describe the picture –loudly Listen to B’s answer speaking clearly? giving lots of details? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사) Give score Tell what you liked, what was good about the answer What’s missing? How can s/he be better? RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 13 14 11 15 12 19 20 10 18 17 16 06 02 01 29 00 03 04 08 07 21 05 09 26 39 38 37 36 40 41 45 44 43 42 22 35 27 25 24 23 34 28 33 30 32 31 Question 3
30 seconds – study the picture. 1) Intro 2) What is happening 30 seconds – study the picture. 1) Intro 2) What is happening? 3) Opinion. Conclusion VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: In the picture there is a man lying *on the middle of the road and there is a car and a motorbike there. I believe there is a car accident and that guy is almost dying. And people are trying to *rescue him from death and in the *right-bottom of the picture there’s a reporter holding a camera. And there is a policewoman or policeman and he’s trying to tell his partner *come, I think.
A: Describe the picture 45s. Speak loudly. 1) Intro. 2) DETAILS A: Describe the picture 45s. Speak loudly. 1) Intro. 2) DETAILS. What is happening? 3) Opinion. Conclusion B: Listen to your partner’s answer. Score? VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: In the picture there is a man lying *on the middle of the road and there is a car and a motorbike there. I believe there is a car accident and that guy is almost dying. And people are trying to *rescue him from death and in the *right-bottom of the picture there’s a reporter holding a camera. And there is a policewoman or policeman and he’s trying to tell his partner *come, I think.
If you don’t know the exact words– 준의료 활동 종사자 paramedic If you don’t know the English word use a general/simple word use synonyms 동의어, antonyms 반대말 use examples … people are trying to save him … Question 3
30 seconds – study the picture. 1) Intro 2) What is happening 30 seconds – study the picture. 1) Intro 2) What is happening? 3) Opinion. Conclusion VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: So, in my picture there are three *mens. They’re holding water guns and shooting at each other. And they are laughing and I think they’re very excited about this. I think they could be celebrating some kind of festival because you know in Thailand they celebrate their New Year by splashing water on each other, so I think the two men in the photo *is tourists. They *are going to Thailand to celebrate this festival. Yes.
B: Describe the picture 45s. Speak loudly. 1) Intro. 2) DETAILS B: Describe the picture 45s. Speak loudly. 1) Intro. 2) DETAILS. What is happening? 3) Opinion. Conclusion A: Listen to your partner’s answer. Score? VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: So, in my picture there are three *mens. They’re holding water guns and shooting at each other. And they are laughing and I think they’re very excited about this. I think they could be celebrating some kind of festival because you know in Thailand they celebrate their New Year by splashing water on each other, so I think the two men in the photo *is tourists. They *are going to Thailand to celebrate this festival. Yes.
IF something is NOT clear– Speculate or guess But always try to Support, Explain, elaborate, Give reasons for your ideas. I think they could be celebrating some kind of festival because in Thailand they celebrate New Year by splashing water … Question 3
STUDY NEXT CLASS VOCABULARY QUIZ 1 Most of the vocabulary words will be from page 58, 74, 90 (AT_01, AT_02, AT_03 ) Reread Parts I, II, III in Book 1 pages 14–35 NEXT CLASS VOCABULARY QUIZ 1
Vocabulary Quiz 1 Listening –number the words Label the picture hint : Actual Test 1 Label the picture Replace the underlined word(s) with the correct vocabulary word Choose the correct form Preposition Verb tense (– ed, –ing, etc.) Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue hint : cooking show
Question 3
Recording time! SAVE it … 30 seconds (prepare, don’t record) Picture 1 Picture 2 30 seconds (prepare, don’t record) 45 seconds (RECORD your answer) SAVE it … Question 3
Vocabulary Quiz 1 No books; no dictionaries; no cell phones Cheating F Write your name, course number, and ID number. Read and FOLLOW the directions. When you’re done, give me your paper; then you may leave – quietly. HW: Read Book 1, pages 30-35.