Critical Lens
Critical Lens an approach or viewpoint of a text based upon a critical theory or knowledge
Essentially, a “peep-hole” to look through; a different perspective Critical Lens Essentially, a “peep-hole” to look through; a different perspective
Most Known Feminist Mythological Marxist Close Read Historical Deconstructive Psychoanalytical Reader Response
Read as… Burglar –vs – Buyer This home sits on a beautiful lot of over ¼ acre, with majestic mature trees. The street is a quiet, tree-lined street across from the Monona golf course…
Dr. Seuss’ The Sneetches As child As Martin Luther King, JR
As child As motivational speaker Dr. Seuss’ The Zax As child As motivational speaker
WEDNESAY: John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row As regular readers As scientists