Emergency Notification System Tarun Chigurupati UCSF IT Department 9/18/2018
What is Everbridge? Emergency Notification System used by UCSF Everbridge enables users to send notifications via mobile or computer to individuals or groups using lists, locations, and maps. Users can be notified before, during or after an event 9/18/2018
Notification Contact Methods Email Fax Plain Text Voice Call to phone number TTY call and TAP page SMS message 9/18/2018
Notification Delivery A user can choose the preferred delivery method The order in which a user wishes to be contacted is called a contact path (5 contact paths per person) 9/18/2018
How to send a notification 1. Login to Everbridge 2. Choose Organization Admin 3. Select message type and priority 4. Prepare notification 5. Select Contacts 6. Review and/or change settings 7. Send a notification 9/18/2018
download an app called the Everbridge ManageBridge application Go to the app store and download an app called the Everbridge ManageBridge application UCSF@lerts – Samsung S5 9/18/2018
SSO Phrase: UCSF@lerts1 Login to Everbridge Login with your MyAccess credentials after enabling SSO and typing in the SSO Phrase SSO Phrase: UCSF@lerts1 9/18/2018
Choose Organization Admin Select the Organization Admin (if needed) 9/18/2018
Prepare Notification Use one of the following notification templates if available: Safety Check Activate DR Plan Click checkbox and send template STOP HERE IF THIS IS THE CASE 9/18/2018
Prepare Notification -Select Message Priority & Message Type -Prepare Title & Body of message 9/18/2018
Step 5: Select Contacts Groups 9/18/2018
Step 5: Select Contacts Individuals 9/18/2018
Step 5: Select Contacts Rules 9/18/2018
Step 5: Select Contacts Contact Selection Options (Map) Address Radius MyShapes 9/18/2018
Step 6: Review and/or Change Settings 9/18/2018
Step 7: Send Notification Tap Send 9/18/2018
Send a notification (Web Browser) Type Everbridge Manager into MyAccess Click Notifications Tab and Click on Notification Templates Follow similar steps as mobile phone for sending notification 9/18/2018 9/18/2018
Ask to the Team Members Contact Information in Everbridge is currently limited to work information. If the UCSF network was down, email was down, telephones were down, we wouldn't be able to reach anyone. Please ask your team members to update their personal contact information in the Everbridge Member portal. 9/18/2018
Everbridge Live Operator Global Direct Emergency +1 818-230-9797 U.S. & Canada Toll-Free Emergency 877-220-4911 United Kingdom Toll-Free Emergency 0800-098-8273 Germany Toll-Free Emergency 0800-181-9027 France Toll-Free Emergency 0-805-08-06-13 Spain Toll-Free Emergency 900-83-88-75 9/18/2018