World Civilizations Room 208 Mr. Smyth WELCOME!!! World Civilizations Room 208 Mr. Smyth
Graduated from Centre College w/ degrees in History & Psychology Graduated from Eastern Kentucky University w/ Master’s degrees in History and Teaching Graduate assistant at Eastern Kentucky University Taught American History at Estill County High School
I am a big fan of baseball. I am a big fan of Harry S Truman. I absolutely love history!
If you ever have a question? Centre College or Eastern Kentucky University History or Psychology Factory or Construction Work Office Work and Retail Management Security Working as a repo person Hobbies: Photography, Books, Historical Artifacts, Baseball, Golf
Why do we study world history? Technology has made the world a smaller place In your life it will become even more interconnected You must be a citizen of the world We will examine the past and present so that you are ready for the future
Skills of a world citizen A citizen of the world has the ability to: Appreciate and understand the similarities and differences between cultures Adapt to different situations and cultures Learn new skills throughout their lifetime (that’s right you have to continue to learn and improve your whole life) Communicate effectively through all mediums (writing and speaking) Use technology to enhance skills and communication
How will we do this? Communication Skills Critical Thinking Skills Writing Speaking Technology Critical Thinking Skills Compare & Contrast Think creatively (problem solve) Analyze & Synthesize Cooperation Be able to work effectively w/ others Be able to lead others effectively