TaxSlayer Online (TSO) TSO for TY17 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas TSO TY16 >>>TY17 As of June 2017 over 150 Enhancement Requests have been submitted to TaxSlayer TaxSlayer Federal Defects: changes needed to prepare correct/accurate federal returns. TaxSlayer Entry Enhancements: changes that will significantly improve volunteers’ ability to prepare correct/accurate returns. TaxSlayer Site Management Enhancements: changes that will simply/improve managing returns [finding, e-filing, correcting rejects, etc.] TaxSlayer Productivity Enhancements: changes that will simplify navigation and entering information 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Enhancement Request Process NTTC has responsibility for documenting suggested enhancements in the Defect, Entry and Productivity Enhancement categories. NTC has responsibility for suggested enhancements in the Management category. IRS Procurement Group owns the TaxSlayer Software They are the primary interface to TaxSlayer The suggested enhancements have been submitted by the IRS to TaxSlayer 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Top 5 Management Enhancements Add date to Client List Record – add ability to sort on date Add ability to archive Records Provide Option to Force Use of Only Form 1040 Apply current year fixes to prior years Ability to see status of State Returns without opening each Federal return. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Sample of Additional Requests Provide Record of Direct Debits and Deposits Ability to View Any Form (Federal or State) within Return Eliminate Due Diligence questions Add Separate Menu Item with Direct Link to Submissions page Increase Contrast and Provide Option to Increase Default Font Size on Entry Screens Revise Return Type Descriptions e.g. Mail Payment – E-file with No Direct Debit For complete list of all Enhancement Requests see One Support Help Center > Tax Training > TaxSlayer 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
TaxSlayer Online (TSO) TSO is the only program Tax Aide will use for TY17 No desktop programs, nor contingency programs No TaxWise TSO TY17 will be available during late November, 2017 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
TaxSlayer Online Setup The Practice Lab is the ‘training’ program Setup (configuration) of TSO personalizes TSO for each site Setup begins with the IRS order identifying the site’s Administrator and the Multi-Site Administrator 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Left half of software order The Spec office will usually supply this form to the State Management team. after verifying that all EFINs are included and that the EFIN names and address are verified against ESERVE data. This is an iterative process. At this time ensuring that these names and addresses match portal information is advisable. Placing of the order with TaxSlayer is accomplished by the IRS (Spec Office). 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Right half of software order. Notice this district has one Super Admin for the entire district. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Multi-Site Administrator (MSA) MSA is the EFIN subscribed to when the software is ordered With Tax-Aide the MSA functions that are implemented are the ability to create and send settings to subscribers – Security Templates, Security Questions, Taxpayer Profiles, Print sets, Return Tags The TaxSlayer documentation describes a relational EFIN function that provides the ability of the MSA to control remote sites. This is not implemented in Tax-Aide. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Question Why did the NTC create a National Template for TaxWise but does not create a national set of setup elements for TaxSlayer using of the MSA function? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Answer With TaxWise a template could be modified and sent down one level in the Hierarchy. With TaxSlayer an element can be modified only by the creator of an element For example if the MSA site sends a print set to all its subscribing sites. The subscribing site can choose to use or not use the print set but they cannot modify it. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Good News Setup information from TY16 will be available in the TY17 environment that includes: Preparers Print Sets Custom Questions Security Templates Profiles Return Tags 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Questions ??? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas