HEXAGONAL PRISM IN 60 UP 40 TOP BASE NAME: All sides and exterior angles in a pentagon are the same. TOP 60° 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 BASE 60° 30 IN 60 UP 40
GOLF BALLS CONTAINER DOWN 60 IN 90 NAME: The elevation and end view of a package for two golf balls are shown. The box is based on a pentagonal prism. Draw the given views Draw a complete development of the box. 20 50 20 y 10 x 32 35 32 72° 32 All sides and exterior angles in a polygon are the same. 32 72° x To get window. You cannot take measurements off window slot from elevation because it is sloping away from you. You bring the two green lines across to the end view, because the end view repersents the true shape of the object. There you can find x and y distances and use these measurements to draw the devlpment correctly. y DOWN 60 IN 90
IN 75 UP 10 x x y y x y TRUNCATED HEXAGONAL PRISM Looking at 90° A B C NAME: x y A B C To get the true shape of a surface you need to look at 90degrees off a edge. 20mm gap for true shape 30 mm gap between elevation and development x y A B C A development will show the true shape of an object. 4 4 90 3 3 3 Looking at 90° 2 2 2 1 1 1 40 35 a1 b1, f1 c1, e1, c1 A F E D C B A F E x y A D A D IN 75 UP 10 B C 60° B C 35
Down 65 In 65 TRUNCATED TRIANGLE 50 50 35 118 12 NAME: Down 65 In 65 60° 60° 65° 50 35 118 12 Point for compass for rotation in order to find true shape of surface. Point for compass to rotate length of the sides. Where two arcs cross will give apex of triangle. 50 TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE 50
TENNIS CONTAINER TENNIS BALLS STORAGE 3000 DOWN 60 IN 45 F E F,E 3 4 NAME: F E F,E TENNIS BALLS STORAGE 3000 Point for compass for rotation in order to find true shape of surface. 3 4 3,4 A 2 5 D A,D 1,6 10MM GAP BETWEEN ELEV. AND DEVELOP.MENT 1 6 60° 60° 160 B,C B 30 C F F 30 E F 4 3 D E E TENNIS BALLS STORAGE 3000 5 A 2 6 C 1 TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE B D D A D D E C C 2 E 1 3 6 ALTERNATIVE METHOD 4 F B 5 B F 60° A A A A DOWN 60 IN 45 F F 30 160
IN 85 Up 15 x y x z y z TRUNCATED OCTAGON Looking at 90° z 75 x y NAME: TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE x y z x y z 25 4 75 3 2 1 30 Looking at 90° 55 25 A1, h1 b1, g1 c1, f1, d1, e1 A H G F E D C B A G F z y x H E A D IN 85 Up 15 45° B 25 C
x x x Down 180 In 70 TRUNCATED TRIANGLE Looking at 90° 95 NAME: x TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE x 3 95 2 Looking at 90° 1 40 40 60 60° 60° A B C A A 60 60° B 60° x Down 180 In 70 C
x y z z y x TRUNCATED PENTAGON h2 h1 h1 h2 Looking at 90° w x y z w w NAME: Point for compass to rotate length of the sides. Where two arcs cross will give apex of triangle. h1 h2 x y z w TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE h1 h2 x y z w 3 40° 105 2 Looking at 90° 1 35 40 A1 E1, B1 D1, C1 A B C D E A 72° B x y z w C A 40 In 120 Up 15 72° D E
IN 105 UP 40 TRUNCATED CYCLINDER Looking at 90° z NAME: TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE SLOPE OF MINOR AXIS PARALLEL TO PREVIOUS. MEASURMENTS SAME AS TRUE SHAPE OF ELLIPSE. CONCENTRIC CIRCLES METHOD CAN BE USED. MAJOR AXIS 6,12 7,11 8,10 9 5,1 4,2 3 45° 110 y x z MINOR AXIS Looking at 90° 15 30 d 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z y x 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 6 d A cylcinder cut at and angle will result in the shape of an ellipse. Heights are now taken from the plan, (x,y,z) IN 105 UP 40 Ø70
IN 170 UP 120 (A2 Sheet) Looking at 90° R45 x x COLLECTION BOX NAME: Point for compass for rotation in order to find true shape of surface. 9 Looking at 90° 10 8 x y z 11 7 40 25 6 12 b c d e a f 45 25 TOP d 30° 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 105 SIDE BACK SIDE FRONT CURVED PIECE TRUE SHAPE OF CUT SURFACE 25 90 25 R45 45 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 12 d a 11 b c d e f 90 10 BASE R 45 True shape of top (lid) will now be used to complete development. Hinge it lid off the top piece. 40 x y z 8 Transfer the measurements from true shape. 6 7 IN 170 UP 120 (A2 Sheet) 20 10