Latin America experience METERS AND MORE Latin America experience José Ricardo DE FREITAS Meters and More AISBL STMicroelectronics, Brazil Adalberto Pereira Meters and More AISBL Landis+Gyr, Brazil
Agenda Meters and More Association Meters and More Technology More than Metering Meters and More experience in Latam Conclusion
Meters and More Association International non-profit association created in 2010 to maintain and support the open communication protocol for Smart Metering solutions Aims: support Smart Metering standardization process and ensure interoperability of devices and applications Founding members: Enel distribuzione and Endesa Distribución Eléctrica Leading members among world leading companies and institutions, from different business sectors, have already joined the Association
Meters and More association Objectives Adopt, maintain and evolve the field proven Meters and More open communication protocol for smart metering solutions Promote the existence of a range of interoperable devices, applications and services by promoting open industry specifications without IPR limitations Provide a certification process to assure product compliance with Meters and More specifications Drive Meters and More protocol evolutions; the Association Members may propose and evaluate enhancements and approve them within well-defined open rules
Meters and More System Architecture Generally the architecture of METERS AND MORE system is composed by the following elements: a Central System that manages the whole smart metering network; Data Concentrators that collect data provided by Smart Meters; Smart Meters, the metering devices; Local O&M devices for local management of Smart Meters. In addition METERS AND MORE is working in a new interface that connects the Smart Meters with and End Customer Device. METERS AND MORE architecture, functionalities and requirements fulfil all the requisites defined by the European OPEN Meter project and Smart Meters Co-ordination Group (SMCG). The main criteria that have led the development of METERS AND MORE technology are efficiency, robustness and security of communications. These are ensured by the following features: very short message exchanges, optimized for narrowband powerline and wireless communications; use of a BPSK modulation the allows the communication to reach a coded bit-rate of 4800 bps; optimization of communication paths; support to a high level of encryption and authentication, by the use of symmetric key based 128 bit AES algorithms; automatic network configuration and management; re-transmission management. Meters and More implements a large number of communication interfaces, supporting remote and local communication with the meter device
Meters and More Technology Protocol Services Meter remote configuration Data reading and command execution Acknowledgement of operations Alarms (tampering, low voltage, malfunctions) Data security management with 128-bit AES encryption and authentication Network management Meter remote software upgrade
Meters & More Stack
ST75MM: the M&M turn-key modem METERS AND MORE system covers the entire protocol stack, from the Physical layer to the Application layer, and is able to work on Powerline networks, Public Communication networks and local optical links. METERS AND MORE specifications protocol, named SMITP (Smart Metering Information and Telecommunication Protocol) is defined in the CLC/prTS 50568-4 and CLC/prTS 50568-8 documents. CLC/prTS 50568-4 specifies the B-PSK Physical and Data Link Layers for communications on LV distribution network between a master node (the Data Concentrator) and one or more slave nodes (Smart Meters and customer devices). The Data Link layer is designed in order to perform key functionalities such as repetition, data protection and optimization of media access. CLC/prTS 50568-8 specifies 4 communication profiles: the Original-SMITP over B-PSK PLC profile. It refers to smart metering system specifications defined prior to the availability of the DLMS/COSEM over SMITP B-PSK PLC profile. the Original-SMITP over IP profile, for the communication on a public network between the Central System and the Concentrator. the Original-SMITP over IEC 62056-21 local data exchange profile. The Application layer of Original SMITP profile provides authentication functionality to ensures a high level of security and advanced features of network management, and accesses configuration parameters and measurement data defined in the Original SMITP data model. the DLMS/COSEM over SMITP B-PSK PLC profile. Within the preliminary works for the CENELEC standardization process, METERS AND MORE protocol evolved in order to include a DLMS/COSEM profile over the SMITP B-PSK modulation, in addition (and as a possible alternative) to the Original SMITP profile. It defines the use of the CLC/prTS 50568-4 communication protocol and methods to access and exchange data modelled by the COSEM objects and interfaces of EN/IEC 62056-6-1 and 6-2 via the EN/IEC 62056-5-3 application layer. This section forms part of the DLMS/COSEM suite as described in EN/IEC 62056-1-0 13/1548/CDV.
Meters & More Data Model Principles Meters and More Data Model is based on tables: Up to 256 tables are supported Custom-defined tables are supported Every row in a table is a record: Client and Server are aware of the details (size, unit of measurements, allowed range, applicable actions, …) Up to 256 rows in a table Three actions can be applied to a row or to an entire table: READ WRITE RESET Allows using a deeply optimized Application Layer: Only 3 bytes Application Layer overhead (Action, Table #, Row #)
Meters and More standardization process 2009-2011 Detailed analysis and testing within the OPEN Meter project: Meters and More is one of the technologies proposed by the OPEN Meter project to become a standard. No further recommendations were necessary. 2010 Establishment of the Meters and More AISBL as an open non-profit association: Specifications and technology become available to all interested parties, without IPR limitations. 2011 Acceptance by CLC TC13 of Meters and More specifications as a NWIP 2013-Q4 Final documents distributed to TC13 WG2 (October). No comments received. 2013-Q4 Submission of final specifications (CDV) to CLC TC 13 2014-Q3 Meters and More specification approved by all National Committees present in CENELEC.
Meters and More standardization process TS 50568-4 DLMS/COSEM suite. Physical Layer based on SMITP B-PSK modulation and SMITP Data Link Layer TS 50568-8 DLMS/COSEM suite. SMITP B-PSK PLC communication profile for neighborhood networks – Including: The original-SMITP local data exchange profile and The Original-SMITP IP communication profile
Meter and Mores - The Certification Process M&M certification process fully defined by the Association Certifications for “Finished Goods” (certified for compliance with whole M&M stack) or “Basic Components” (certified for compliance with part of M&M stack): Full flexibility for the positioning in M&M ecosystem and application innovation behind smart meter (e.g. End-Customer Device, Smart Home App, Heterogeneous networking…) Cesi is one of the certification laboratory located in Italy
Meters and More’s declared goal is to also become a reference for real-time communication to customers, as well as smart grids and smart city applications Purpose is to develop extensions for complementary value-added services based on the same principles of openness, interoperability, efficiency, robustness and security of communications Technical Committee for Protocol Specifications develops the specifications for a new generation communication solution between the meter and end-customer devices and for SMITP-compatible communication technologies for smart city applications Real time communication to customers
METERS AND MORE Smart Energy Gateway To making consumption data available in ‘near real time’ to the end customer, Meters and More has presented recently to the market the first prototype of the METERS AND MORE smart energy gateway. The gateway is based on an extension to the existing protocol for communication between the smart meter and in-home devices, that enables the interchange of energy consumption information as well as enabling the inclusion of new services. The gateway can connect with other smart devices in the house using other standard and widespread communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, etc.
METERS AND MORE Smart Energy Gateway Features Meter to Gateway (M2G) interface can act either in Network Controlled Mode (NCM): only Smart Meter can initiate the communication and push data Interactive Controlled Mode (ICM): also Gateway can initiate communication and require data to smart meter.
The most field proven smart metering technology Field proven technologies chosen for over 50 million customers worldwide (*) METERS AND MORE is a new generation protocol which leverages the experience of Enels Telegestore
M&M Pilot projects ongoing in Latam… More than 300 k Smart Meters planned to be installed until to 2018
… even in extreme conditions Ollagüe Microgrid Collaboration with Enel Green Power 120 Prepayment Smart Meters Installed
Partnership projects between ENEL and Landis+Gyr Cidade Inteligente Pilot in Buzios, RJ 10,000 end customers. 310 concentrators 84 km of optical fiber installed 100% reuse of Cervantes infrastructure (data concentrator, SW, etc) and Meter & More protocol. E34A Meter and Titans module: Active and reactive energy, Remote connection/disconnection Time of use – TOU Bidirectional communication Reuse of Cervantes´ CERM-1 board with minor HW/FW changes.
Smart Meters Landis+Gyr E430 and E450 with PLC Meters and More Main Features: Active and Reactive Energy and Demand Registers Bidirectional, 4 quadrants Time of Use – TOU PLC Meters and More integrated Connection/Disconnection Relays Power Quality indicators Events monitoring and anti-tampering alarms Meter and PLC FWs download via PLC Applications: White Tariff (TOU) Distributed Generation AMI Power Quality Monitoring
PLC Meters and More integration PLC Board Integration: Reference design by ENEL Modifications to original design to fit Landis+Gyr meter. PLC board powered by the meter. Translation from ABNT to Meters and More protocol at PLC Board.
Conclusion Field Proven Over 50 million customers connected Independent Managed by a non profit association - Meters and More AISBL. Strong industry support from suppliers and utilities. Open Standards based. Open access to published specifications to develop products that are independently tested and certified Robust Optimized and field proven for high performance Future Proof Scalable , upgradable and open to extensions Designed to be for meters …. and more!
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