Weebles Wobble, But You Won’t Fall with Weebly Presented by Michelle Flohr and Rachel Riske https://education.weebly.com/
What is Weebly Weebly is a way to create classroom website and to let students build personalized sites. It is also perfect for creating student e-portfolios and websites for assigned projects. AND...its free!
Evidence of Learning Learners upload artifacts that demonstrate their learning connected to the continuums. Some examples may be: Teachers may also include narrative comments from observations taken during classroom activities or individual conferences. Student Website First Grade Assessments, including self assessments Writing Pieces Reading Samples Projects Videos, Reading logs, Learning Graphs Digital Recordings, Digital Files (Google Docs, My Story, Book Creator, iMovie) Share Walter’s Website. Rachel - Do you have one to showcase? Add a link! :)
Make sure you’re using the education weebly Make sure you’re using the education weebly. It offers more free features than the non-education related weebly.
Building Your Site Choose a Theme - This can be changed later.
Choose your Website Domain- The first choice if free.
How to build a page
This is linked to my webpage. This is your dashboard area This is linked to my webpage. This is your dashboard area. You can see your sites and then go to other task bars.
Build your pages * Home * YouTube Videos * Blog * Slideshows * “Student Website” Page * Assignment Forms * Photos * Documents * Newsletter Form *RSVP Forms * Contact Forms *Surveys
Your Turn! Sign up Choose a theme Create 3 or more pages by using “Build” tab
How to add students and manage class
For privacy you can password protect student websites For privacy you can password protect student websites. This allows parents and students to feel confident about using Weebly.
Your Turn Enter your students
Add a link page to students websites Students can keep their Weebly account year after year; however, teachers are unable to transfer students to the next teacher. At NCES we were able to standardize the user name/password.
Setting up student Weebly’s Student Weebly looks similar to teacher weebly’s They have autonomy in choosing their background, pages, and layout You will likely have an idea of how you want your students to use Weebly. This will give you an idea of how they should name different pages (ex: Walter’s reading and writing tabs.) Michelle and I both gave that information and then allowed students time to
THANK YOU! Michelle Flohr flohrmic@rhinelander.k12.wi.us Rachel Riske riskerac@rhinelander.k12.wi.us