GC0099 Establishing a common approach to interconnector scheduling consistent with the single intraday market coupling processes set out within Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 (CACM) Grid Code Panel – 21 June 2017
Workgroup Members Isaac Gutierrez Scottish Power Renewables Stephen Gannon Eleclink Michael Carrington Eirgrid Alastair Frew Scottish Power Paul Youngman Drax Power Graeme Vincent Scottish Power Energy Networks Christopher Smith National Grid Ventures Jennifer McCartney Caroline Kluyver National Grid Interconnectors Peter Bolitho Waterswye Nicholas Rubin Elexon John Parsons Beama John Gleadow NorthConnect KS Alan Creighton Northern Powergrid Richard Sidley Transmission Investment – FAB Link Panel is requested to approve the above Workgroup Memberships
Workgroup Consultation Following the 1st Workgroup Meeting the Workgroup seek Panel’s approval for a Workgroup Consultation to be included within the Modification timetable. The Workgroup concluded that a Workgroup Consultation should be issued in order to address the question as to whether a Modification would be required to address a change to pn’s Verify change IST can change without a change to the PNs
Amended Timetable The Code Administrator recommends the following timetable: Workgroup Meeting 1 7 June 2017 Workgroup Meeting 2 3 August 2017 Workgroup Consultation 7 August 2017 Workgroup Report presented to Panel 16 August 2017 Code Admin Consultation Report Issued to Industry (15 Working Days) 18 August 2017 Draft Modification Report presented to Panel 13 September 2017 Panel Determination Vote 20 September 2017 Final Modification Report published 27 September 2017 Implementation 11 October 2017