Transboundary assessments for Large Carnivores András Demeter & Marco Cipriani 12th Expert Group Meeting on Reporting under the Nature Directives 22 November 2012, Brussels
Assessment and reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive Explanatory Notes & Guidelines for the period 2007-2012 IV.b.ii Transfrontier populations In some cases species may have a population which is shared between two or more Member States, for example the Pyrenean population of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in France and Spain or the Tatra chamois (Rupicaria rupicaria tatrica) in Poland and Slovakia. In such instances Member States are encouraged to undertake a common assessment and to agree on data and assessments, but each Member State would report the results. In such cases this should be noted under new field 2.8.3 Transboundary assessment.
APPENDIX 6: TRANSBOUNDARY ASSESSMENTS - AN ANNOTATED EXAMPLE Field name Brief explanations 0.1 Member State UK 0.2 Species 0.2.1 Species code 8355 0.2.2 Species scientific name Balaenoptera acutorostrata 0.2.3 Alternative species scientific name Optional 0.2.4 Common name Minke whale
Why Large Carnivores? Guidelines for Population Level Management Plans for Large Carnivores (2008)
Commissioner Potocnik at FACE 35th anniversary conference (07/09/2012): "… the Commission has started a dialogue among the different stakeholders who have an interest in large carnivores. The process should build on the results of earlier similar initiatives, lessons from implementing the Habitats Directive, the Commission guidance on population-level management of large carnivores, and the work of the Council of Europe and the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe. "
The 2001-2006 reporting exercise showed some shortcomings there was no possibility for transbounday assessments
Questions to the expert group Has your MS considered carrying out joint assessment of Large Carnivore populations with a neighbouring MS? If so, what are your experiences so far? + Positive (history of cooperation, existing networks of scientist and/or administrations etc.) - Negative (unsuccessful attempts, barriers to such exercise)