Presented by Paul Evans, NHS Support Federation and Matt Dykes, TUC Where is our NHS headed? Presented by Paul Evans, NHS Support Federation and Matt Dykes, TUC
Ways to participate Ask questions and vote for your favourite – links below this presentation Comment and chat – click on ‘Say something nice’ (bottom-right) Please join in and participate in this webinar. If you look below this video stream you’ll see links for questions and polls. If you have any questions you’d like me to answer please submit them and I’ll do my best to answer as many as possible at the end. You also have a chat area to the right – do say hello, and chat the other participants, but if you have a question for me please put it in the questions area, not the chat.
NHS funding – “record levels of funding”?
NHS funding since 2010
NHS funding- Autumn Budget 2017
NHS funding per head – Autumn Budget 2017
NHS funding – compared with other EU countries
How we compare – beds and staffing
Social Care funding since 2010
Social care funding gap
People receiving social care
Impact on NHS providers
Impact on NHS commissioners
Performance deteriorating – A&E waiting times
Performance deteriorating – waiting lists
Performance deteriorating – cancer treatment
Performance deteriorating – delayed transfers
More doctors and nurses?
Unfilled vacancies – NAO
Nursing numbers – year on year change
Reasons for staff shortages
44 Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)
STPs – key players
STPs: addressing the three ‘gaps’
Outsourcing the NHS?
Outsourcing the NHS
Next webinar What is the Apprenticeship Levy? Wednesday, February 7th at 2:30pm Iain Murray, unionlearn Strategy Manager Before you go, a quick reminder of our next webinar. Ali Torabi, our digital campaigner at the TUC will be sharing some tips on writing effective emails for organising. That’s on Wednesday, December 6th. Don’t forget to save your spot and we’ll see you then!