What is Physics?
Physics is the study of Energy and Matter and their Relationships What is Physics? Physics is the study of Energy and Matter and their Relationships OK, Here we go…
Big Time Energy Forces! Action/Reaction! Acceleration! ROAR!
Conservation of Energy! Potential and Kinetic Energy
Motion! Speed Velocity Acceleration
Measure It!
Calculate It! Useful equations
Graph It!
Drop ‘em g = 9.8 m/s2 Stop ‘em
Acceleration due to gravity constant Terminal Velocity Acceleration due to gravity constant g = 9.8 m/s2
Newton’s Laws An object in motion will remain in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force. F = ma Every action has an opposite and equal reaction
Planetary Motion
Properties of Matter States of matter Solid, liquid, gases
HEAT!! The Heat Is ON!
Waves in Action Water Waves Earth Waves Sound Waves Light Waves Electric Waves Magnetic waves
Let there be Light!
Light and Color
Properties of Light Reflection Refraction Diffraction Interference Polarization Color
Electricity Can be Shocking!!
Electric Circuits
Solid State Electronics
Atomic Physics
Nuclear Fission Reactor
Nuclear Particle Physics
The Quantum
Relativity & Time Dilation
Time Warps & Distortion of Space
Here Endeth What is Physics?