Challenges to women in local government in Ho, Ghana - Councillors ceptions - Councillors perceptions Jaana Villberg
Content of the presentation 1.Female councillors perceptions of the challenges to women in local government a) under-resourcing of local government b) social barriers to womens effective participation c) other structural barriers 2. What did the male councillors say about women's performance?
a) Under-resourcing of local government Non-payment of allowances (some women not able to participate in all meetings, dependency on the husband) Lack of meetings, long agendas: not enough time for discussion (women not always able to voice out all their concerns)
b) Social barriers to womens effective participation Male attitudes, women face some resistance Differences between women, not a homogenous group. Sometimes hard to unite for a common cause. Married women have to worry not being seen too often with high rank men. Rumours. (a lot of power concentrated on the mayor, lobbying him is a central strategy in the Ghanaian local government system)
c) Other stru c tural barriers Transportation infrastucture: I am not mobile
What did the male councillors say about womens performance? Many women are quiet and shy in the meetings Women lack confidence
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