The Rise of Islam Chapter 10
Time period and lifestyle 500 AD Arabian Peninsula Silk Road caravans Allah
Muhammad While praying, Muhammad heard a voice, the angel Gabriel, that told Muhammad he was the messenger of Allah This is the first pillar Muslims think the image of Muhammad is prohibited to avoid idolism
Muhammad One by one Muhammad started to preach Islam – “submission to the will of Allah” Muslim – “one who has submitted” 613 Muhammad begins to preach
Hijrah Muhammad and his followers move from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) Muhammad gains a large following in Medina
Back to Mecca 630 – Muhammad marches from Medina back to Mecca with his army Muslim armies take over the Byzantine and Sassanid empires
The Five Pillars or Islam
The five pillars of Islam Faith – “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” Prayer – Five times a day, Muslims face toward Mecca to pray Alms – Muslims pay a special religious tax to help the poor Fasting – During Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and sunset Pilgrimage – All Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca. Must wear identical garments so that all stand as equals before Allah
Qur’an & shari’a Holy book of Muslims Only Arabic can be used in worship Islamic law regulating family life, moral conduct, and business and community life
Islam Expands Caliph – successor or deputy 632 Muhammad dies He did not name a successor or tell his followers how to choose one Caliph – successor or deputy Abu-Bakr
Abu-Bakr and the jihad People of other religions stopped paying taxes Issued jihad – “striving” – inner struggle against evil In the Qur’an it is used as an armed struggle against unbelievers Used as an excuse as expansion
“Rightly guided” caliphs Rightly guided because they knew Muhammad and guided just like him Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali – Caliphate By 750 the Muslim Empire stretched 6,000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River
What if you were a different religion already? Muslim armies were well trained and took down the Byzantine and Sassanid Empires The Qur’an forbids forced conversion Jews and Christians – “people of the book” – could pay a tax to become exempt from military service Could not spread their religion, but could hold official jobs, become scholars, and bureaucrats
Internal conflict Assassinations The capital was moved away from Mecca to Damascus Leaders surrounded themselves with wealth Lead to a division Sunni-Shia GO
Sunni-Shia Split Shi’a meaning the party of Ali – Shi’ites Sunni mean followers of Muhammad's example Sufi – rejected luxuries and lived a life of poverty and devotion to the spiritual path
Muslim Culture Cordoba – poets, philosophers, scientists. The dazzling center of Muslim culture Sakks – checks
Muslim Culture Al-jabr – algebra Optics – book about vision Trade
Muslim Women The Qur’an states – “Men are the managers of the affairs of women” “Righteous women are therefore obedient” As believers men and women are equal Shari’a gives women specific legal rights concerning marriage, family, and property
Muslim women Women were to submit to men Divorce – “I dismiss thee” three times Women raised the children Over time women were to live increasingly isolated lives In public they are to be veiled
Muslim women Shari’a allowed a man to have four wives if he could treat them justly and fulfill the marriage contract. Most contracts required a man to provide a wife with suitable clothes and a place to live. Some contracts forbade taking other wives.
Extremism/Radicalism An ideology that lies far outside the mainstream that may violate common moral standards – political, military, religious, economy Having extreme views ^^^^^
Terrorism Extreme jihadists Define terrorism ?????
Why do many Muslims hate the USA? Creation of Israel – 1948 – and continued backing Destruction of Iraq in 1991 and 2003 Exploitation of natural resources Bad PR blunders include: backing Osama Bin Laden, media portrayal of Islam Portrayal of women and excess