Australian Army Research Centre (AARC) From Idea to Inculcation 30 March 2017 Well we only need to look at the DMTC Conference program to appreciate that we have a rich and developing domestic ecosystem of stakeholders in the Land R&D Domain. Army is of course one of the principal clients for that Domain, so it is my pleasure Ladies and Gentlemen to brief you this morning on a very exciting development within Army Headquarters, and Army’s role within that ecosystem.
Foster knowledge of and professional debate on the profession of arms AARC’s Remit Business Model: Set Army’s R&D Agenda and Priorities Sponsor targeted R&D, incl. collaboration with Defence Industry and Academia Outreach within Army & ADF Shape future land capability & investment within a joint force context Foster knowledge of and professional debate on the profession of arms
Army Research & Development Plan: Priorities Science & Technology Stream Force Application Force Protection and Projection Force Generation and Sustainment Situational Understanding Human Performance Command Control and Communications Arts & Humanities Stream Strategy Leadership Logistics Operational Art Professional Military Education Army and Society The Changing Character of War Army Modernisation Lines of Effort (AMLE) Army R&D Plan: open source, available on Army Website (under ‘Our Future’)
Social Media An important emergent theme in the modernisation agenda for professional militaries Part of Army and the Joint Force’s current & future operating environment Therefore we need to understand Social Media in order to constructively engage with it Critical self-examination: What are the consequences of social media for military operations and strategy? For national security? How best to engage with social media?
Collaboration Opportunities 1. Army Research Scheme AusTender: expected Call for Proposals Nov 17 submissions closing Feb 18. Submissions must align with the Army R&D Plan A single contract can be awarded up to $80,000 Human Performance Research Network (HPRNET) Working with 7 university partners AARC-sponsored conferences Keyboard Warriors Conference (30-31 March, Melbourne) No Time Like the Future: Imminent Challenges to Australian Strategic Thinking (29-30 August, ADFA)
UPCOMING SEMINAR: THURSDAY 6 APRIL AARC Seminar Series UPCOMING SEMINAR: THURSDAY 6 APRIL SESSION ONE: RUSSELL OFFICES WHEN: Thu 6 Apr 17 TIME: 1230 - 1330 WHERE: Ngunnawal Theatrette, Building R1, Russell RSVP: by 4 Apr 17 SESSION TWO: BARTON Content as Per Session One, WHEN: Thu 23 Mar 17 TIME: 1715 for 1730 -1900 WHERE: Ground Floor Seminar Room, Charles Sturt University, 10-12 Brisbane Avenue, Barton RSVP: by 4 Apr 17 Up Next: Thu 20 Apr 2017 – MAJ Andrew Maher – A Concept for Special Warfare ‘#CrowdfundingTerrorism: Islamic State’s use and abuse of Social Media’ Kate Goodridge-Griffiths The non-state actor, Islamic State (IS), can arguably communicate their message on-line more effectively than the nation state of Australia – a potential vulnerability in our counter-terror strategy. Solutions require analysis of IS’s very successful exploitation of social media platforms, underpinned by an understanding of the cultural dimensions that are opaque to most ‘Western’ observers. In this seminar the role of Wahhabism, Salafism, Islamic Eschatology and the changing nature of Jihad will be explored to help explain IS’s unique interpretation of Islam - using examples and an analysis of the key elements in their social media strategy. Bio: Kate joined the DOD through the Graduate Program. She studied at the University of Melbourne, holds a BA (Hons), MA, and recently deferred her PhD – all in Islamic Studies and Middle Eastern Politics. She also worked as a tertiary level research assistant and management advisor in this field. Kate aims to help bridge the gap between the perception and reality of Islam in the West and has researched how this intersects with trade and security both in Australia and internationally.
AARC Points of Contact Director: LTCOL Renée Kidson, Director of Research: Dr Albert Palazzo,