Artifacts from the Home Front Activity Directions
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Categories of Materials Propaganda (Anti-Nazi, Anti-Japanese, pro-American) War bonds Home front/Civil defense Rationing Changing role of women Science and Industry
Think About Common themes? What do these materials tell you about the time period? Historical empathy: What are Americans feeling and/or being encouraged to feel?
Propaganda Censorship of fighting (letters/newspapers) - not of enemy atrocities Office of War Information - propaganda in films (courage of allies, difference b/w good & bad Germans, subhuman portrayal of Japanese – “Yellow Peril”)
War Bonds War bonds raised money for the war effort and fought inflation Sold by celebrities and war heroes Also, first payroll deduction for income taxes
Home Front / Civil Defense Blackout drills Scrap drives, backyard “victory gardens” Rationing Censorship of fighting Western Union Telegrams Blue/Gold Star
Rationing Office of Price Administration (OPA) – fought inflation with rationing Tires, sugar, coffee, meat, butter, gasoline, shoes “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!”
Changing Role of Women 19,000,000 employed in economy (6m before war) Marine Corps Women’s Reserve (Release men for combat duty) - Serve in over 200 different jobs WASPS (Women’s Airforce Service Pilots) ferry military aircraft across U.S. test planes Army Nurse Corps - More than 59,000 WACS – Women’s Army Corps WAVES - (Navy) 8000 Officers, 80,000 enlisted (2.5 % of Navy) SPARS - (Coast Guard) What themes do you see in these posters?
Science and Industry Office of Scientific Research and Development New drugs, blood transfusion procedures, weapons systems, radar, sonar, bombsights War Production Board invested $17b for new factories, $181b in war contracts Bans production of nearly 300 items “nonessential” for war effort The Atomic Bomb TOP SECRET Manhattan Project J. Robert Oppenheimer leads scientists in Los Alamos developing nuclear fission bomb Entire town of Oak Ridge, TN built around facility to enrich common uranium-238 to rare isotope u-235