Airport-ANSP Growth & Efficiency ACDM-CATFM
Daily Operations - AOCC 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
AGENDA Airport Capacity Airport Collaborative Decision Making CATFM Growth Plans Challenges Airport Collaborative Decision Making KIA Perspective CATFM Airport Expectation
Airport Capacity Growth Plans Traffic Forecasting Identify Capacity requirements Evaluate Options Costing and Consultations Finalize Concept Design
Challenges Unpredictable Nature of Business Long gestation period for Capacity Creation Huge Capital Investments Stakeholder resource augmentation Sustaining Operations in the interim
A-CDM Objectives Improve Predictability Improve On Time Performance Reduce Ground Movement Cost Optimise Use of ground handling resource Optimise Use of Airport infrastructure Reduce ATFM slot wastage Flexible pre departure planning Reduce Apron and Taxiway congestion Daily Operations - AOCC 18-09-2018
Daily Operations - AOCC KIA A-CDM CATFM 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
Core Elements Consecutive implementation 6. Collaborative Management of Flight Updates INFORMATION EXCHANGE WITH CATFM ADVERSE CONDITION OPERATION 5. CDM in Adverse Conditions 4. Pre-Departure Sequencing ESTABLISH OFF BLOCK SEQUENCE Consecutive implementation CALCULATED AFTER ANALYSIS AND PUBLISHED 3. Variable Taxi Time SITUATIONAL AWARENESS 2. Milestone Approach 1. Information Sharing DATA EXCHANGE 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
Daily Operations - AOCC Information Flow 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
Milestones Improve Predictability Improve On Time Performance Reduce Ground Movement Cost Optimise / enhance use of ground handling resource Optimise/ enhance use of stands/ Gates. Optimise use of airport infrastructure and reduce congestion Reduce ATFM slot wastage Flexible pre departure planning Reduce Apron and Taxiway conggestion Daily Operations - AOCC 18-09-2018
How 1 GAP ANALYSIS – Process Analysis as per Euro Control Standards GAP ANALYSIS – System Analysis as per A-CDM Requirements 2 System Up gradation to accommodate A-CDM requirements User Requirement Document for the Upgraded System 3 NEED TO ACHIEVE- Enhanced level of predictability on ground. Linking all Ground Operations together 4 WHAT IS REQUIRED – TOBT from Airlines/GHA WHAT IS REQUIRED - Variable Taxi Time; EXIT/EXOT at KIA WHAT IS REQUIRED – TSAT and TTOT from ATC > Pre-Departure Sequencing
TRAININGS MEETINGS TOBT MATRIX TOBT TRIALS AMENDMENTS INTG. TRIALS In-Depth A-CDM Awareness Sessions for External & Internal Stakeholders 150+ staffs trained 10 Meetings of A-CDM Working Groups; to define process, data integration from ATC & deliverables from every Stakeholders, defining TOBT, Variances , KPIs etc. Aligning stakeholder’s processes with Airport process, to predict an accurate Aircraft Ready Time or TOBT. TOBT prediction trials conducted from Sep’2012 onwards till date with Stakeholders in a phased manner First BIA A-CDM Integrated Trials from 18-22nd March with ATC giving TSAT and TTOT – Manual Calculation. 86% of flights followed the sequence (sample size 30) Stakeholder were shown results of their TOBT Prediction Second BIA A-CDM Integrated Trials from 1st July 2013-15th July 2013. 72% of flights followed Pre-Departure Sequence (sample size 173) Amendment in the processes / tolerances as per the results & feedback agreed through WG Meetings UFIS 5.1 sessions for Internal / External Stakeholders Regular meeting with ATC We have identified, mapped and documented all required SELEX messages for arrival and departure updates into UFIS 5.1 Airlines defined their TOBT Matrix Trials to validate the agreed TOBT process with each stakeholders.
Daily Operations - AOCC AIRLINE TOBT MATRIX 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
Continuous Stakeholder Engagement All Airlines & GHA’s Update TOBT (All flights of all Airlines) Difference between TOBT defined by GHA/Airlines and AOBT Acceptable Variance within +/- 4 minutes Regular meetings & follow up’s with Airline’s / GHA’s by showing their individual Quality Matrix and sharing TOBT month on month Trend prediction graph to improve TOBT predictability
TOBT Prediction Airlines below 60 % are KA, MK, SV & WY
Gap Analysis Nov’13 to Jan’14 Feb’14 to Aug’14 Remarks PARAMETER No of Flights (Sample Size) 15255 36717 Target Landing Time Variance 1:22 01:36 Difference between ALDT and TLDT No of Flights without TLDT value 389 1611 4.37% of Total Flights TMO Variance 4:04 04:03 Difference between ALDT and TMO No of Flights without TMO Value 415 814 2.22% of Total Flights EXIT Variance for the flights 01:09 Difference between the AIBT and EIBT
KIA-ACDM Implementation KIA ACDM Progress Dec‘ 11 Jan'12 Feb'12 Mar'12 Apr'12 May'12 Jun'12 Jul'12 Aug'12 Sep'12 Oct'12 Nov'12 Dec'12 Jan'13 Feb'13 Mar'13 Apr'13 May'13 Jun'13 Jul'13 Aug'13 Sep'13 Oct'13 Nov'13 Dec'13 Jan‘ 14 Feb'14 Mar‘14 Apr‘ 14 May'14 Jun‘ 14 Jul‘ 14 Aug'14 Sep‘ 14 INTIAL PHASE CONCEPTUALISATION PHASE TRAINING PHASE TRIALS PHASE TESTING & SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION PHASE PROCESS FORMALIZATION PHASE - AIP Completed KIA-ACDM Implementation On Going Nearing Completion System generated TSAT or Manual (Ongoing)
CATFM-Airport Expectation Capacity determination Compatibility for System Interfaces FUM-DPI Message Exchange Collaboration during all phases Post Operation Analysis – Airports 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC
Daily Operations - AOCC Thank You 18-09-2018 Daily Operations - AOCC