Chapter 11 Organizational Behavior Nelson & Quick, 6th edition Power and Political Behavior Chapter 11 Organizational Behavior Nelson & Quick, 6th edition
Concept of Power Power - the ability to influence another person Concept of Power Power - the ability to influence another person Influence - the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person Authority - the right to influence another person 2
Managers strive to expand employee’s zone of indifference Concept of Power Zone of Indifference - the range in which attempts to influence a person will be perceived as legitimate & will be acted on without a great deal of thought Zone of Indifference Z o n e o f I n d i f f e r e n c e Managers strive to expand employee’s zone of indifference 3
Sources of Organizational Power: Interpersonal Sources of Organizational Power: Interpersonal Reward Power - agent’s ability to control the rewards that the target wants Coercive Power - agent’s ability to cause an unpleasant experience for a target Legitimate Power - agent and target agree that agent has influential rights, based on position and mutual agreement 4
Sources of Organizational Power: Interpersonal Sources of Organizational Power: Interpersonal Referent Power - based on interpersonal attraction; charismatic Expert Power - agent has knowledge target needs Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 4
Which Power is Most Effective? Expert Power! Strong relationship to performance & satisfaction Transfers vital skills, abilities, and knowledge within the organization Employees internalize what they observe & learn from managers they consider “experts” 5
Information Power Information Power - access to and control over important information Formal/informal position in communication network Interpreting information when passing it on (the spin) Can flow upward, downward, and laterally Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Criteria for Using Power Ethically Does the behavior produce a good outcome for people both inside and outside the organization? Does the behavior respect the rights of all parties? Does the behavior treat all parties equitably and fairly? Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 6
Two Faces of Power Personal Power - power used for personal gain Personal Power - power used for personal gain Social Power – power used to create motivation or to accomplish group goals 7
Characteristics of Successful Power Users Have high need for social power Approach relationships with a communal orientation Focus on needs and interests of others Belief in the authority system Preference for work & discipline Altruism Belief in justice Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 8
Sources of Organizational Power: Intergroup Sources of Organizational Power: Intergroup Control of critical resources Control of strategic contingencies - activities that other groups need to complete their tasks Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 9
Sources of Organizational Power: Intergroup Sources of Organizational Power: Intergroup Ways groups hold power over other groups (strategic contingency) Ability to cope with uncertainty High degree of centrality - functionality central to organization’s success Nonsubstitutability - group’s activities are indispensable Dependency 9
Power Analysis: A Broader View Organizational Power Coercive Power - influence through threat of punishment, fear, or intimidation Utilitarian Power - influence through rewards and benefits Normative Power - influence through using knowledge of member’s desire for belonging; letting members know they are expected to do the “right” thing
Power Analysis: A Broader View Types of Membership Alienative Membership - members feel hostile, negative, do not want to be there Calculative Membership - members weigh benefits and limitations of belonging Moral Membership - members have positive organizational feelings; will deny own needs
Etzioni’s Power Analysis Etzioni’s Power Analysis Type of Membership Alienative Calculative Moral Coercive Type of Power Utilitarian Normative SOURCE: Adapted from Amitai Etzioni, Modern Organizations (Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964), 59-61. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, N.J. 10
Kanter’s Symbols of Power Kanter’s Symbols of Power Ability to intercede for someone in trouble Ability to get placements for favored employees Exceeding budget limitations Procuring above-average raises for employees Getting items on meeting agendas Access to early information Having top managers seek out their opinion Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 11
Kanter’s Symbols of Powerlessness Staff Professionals Resistance to change Turf protection Top Executives Budget cuts Punishing behaviors Top-down communications Managers Assign external attribution - Blame others Blame environment First-line Supervisors Overly close supervision Inflexible adherence to rules Do job rather than train Key to overcoming powerlessness: share power & delegate decision making 12
Korda’s Power Symbols Furnishings Time Access Size of desk Korda’s Power Symbols Furnishings Size of desk Rectangular table Locked file cabinet Time Who has access to you? To whom do you have access? Access Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 13
Korda’s Power Symbols Power - there are more people who inconvenience themselves on your behalf than there are people on whose behalf you would inconvenience yourself Status - a person’s relative standing in a group based on prestige and deference 13
Political Behavior in Organizations Political Behavior in Organizations Organizational Politics - the use of power and influence in organizations Political Behavior - actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one’s personal goals 14
Conditions Encouraging Political Activity Conditions Encouraging Political Activity Unclear goals Autocratic decision making Ambiguous lines of authority Scarce resources Uncertainty Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Effective Political Characteristics Effective Political Characteristics What characteristics do effective political actors possess? ? Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation 15
Upward Influence: the boss Influence Tactics Upward Influence: the boss Pressure Upward appeals Exchange tactics Coalition Ingratiation Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Lateral Influence: a coworker Downward Influence: an employee 16
Most Effective Tactic: Influence by Rational Persuasion Most Effective Tactic: Influence by Rational Persuasion This new procedure will save us over $150,000. The person uses logical arguments and factual evidence to persuade you that a proposal or request is viable and likely to result in the attainment of task objectives. Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Effective Tactic: Influence by Ingratiation Effective Tactic: Influence by Ingratiation Only you can do this job right! The person seeks to get you in a good mood or to think favorably of him or her before asking you to do something. SOURCE: Information on slides 23-27 from the first two columns from G. Yuki and C. M. Falbe. “Influence Tactics and Objectives in Upward, Downward, and Lateral Influence Attempts.” Journal of Applied Psychology 75 (1990): 132-140. Copyright © 1990 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission. Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Frequently Used Tactic: Influence by Consultation Frequently Used Tactic: Influence by Consultation This new attendance plan is controversial. How can we make it more acceptable? The person seeks your participation in making a decision or planning how to implement a proposed strategy, policy, or change. Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Frequently Used Tactic: Influence by Inspirational Appeals Frequently Used Tactic: Influence by Inspirational Appeals Getting that account will be tough, but I know you can do it. The person makes an emotional request or proposal that arouses enthusiasm by appealing to your values and ideals, or by increasing your confidence that you can do it. Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Political Skill Political Skill - ability to get things done through favorable interpersonal relationships outside of formally prescribed organizational mechanisms Social astuteness Interpersonal influence Networking ability Sincerity Learned traits Photos courtesy of Clips Online ©2008 Microsoft Corporation
Managing Political Behavior Managing Political Behavior Maintain open communication Clarify performance expectations Use participative management Encourage cooperation among work groups Manage scarce resources well Provide a supportive organizational climate 17
Managing Up: The Boss Understand Your Boss and Her Context Understand Your Boss and Her Context Her goals and objectives The pressures on her Her strengths, weaknesses, blind spots Her preferred work style Assess Yourself and Your Needs Your own strengths and weaknesses Your personal style Your predisposition toward dependence on authority figures
Managing Up: The Boss Develop and Maintain a Relationship that Managing Up: The Boss Develop and Maintain a Relationship that Fits both your needs and styles Is characterized by mutual expectations Keeps your boss informed Is based on dependability and honesty Selectively uses your boss’s time and resources SOURCE: Information on slides 29-30 adapted and reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. From “Managing Your Boss,” by J. J. Gabarro and J. P. Kotter, (May-June 1993): p. 155. Copyright© 1993 by the Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation; all rights reserved. 20
Sharing Power: Empowerment Empowerment - sharing power in such a way that individuals learn to believe in their ability to do the job! 21
Empowerment’s Four Dimensions Meaning – fit between the work role and the employee’s values and beliefs Competence - belief that one has the ability to do the job well E2s Self-determination - having control over the way one does one’s work Impact - belief that one’s job makes a difference within the organization 22
Guidelines for Empowering Guidelines for Empowering Express confidence in employees Set high performance expectations Create opportunities for participative decision making Remove bureaucratic constraints that stifle autonomy Set inspirational and meaningful goals 23
Employee Empowerment Grid Implement Follow-up Alt. Choice Alt. Eval Alt. Dev Problem Id. Point D Mission Defining Point E Self-management Decision-Making Authority over Job Context Point C Participatory Empowerment Point A No Discretion Point B Task Setting Alt. Choice Implement Follow-up Problem Id. Alt. Dev Alt. Eval Decision-Making Authority over Job Content Amitai Etzioni, Modern Organizations, 1964, pp.... 59-61. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Finkelstein: Why Executives Fail See themselves and their companies as dominant, without peers Think they have all the answers Eliminate those not 100% behind them Rely on what worked for them in the past No clear boundaries between personal interests and corporate interests
Using Power Effectively Using Power Effectively Use power in ethical ways Understand and use all of the various types of power and influence Seek out jobs that allow you to develop your power skills Use power tempered by maturity and self-control Accept that influencing people is an important part of the management job 25
Chapter 11: Reflect & Discuss Scarface Video Clip What to Watch for and Ask Yourself What are Mel’s sources or bases of power in this interaction with Tony Montana? What are Tony Montana’s sources or bases of power? What type of power relationship forms between the two men? Scarface Cuban refugee Antonio “Tony” Montana (Al Pacino) comes to Miami to pursue the American dream. He quickly rises in power within the Miami drug world until life turns against him. This lengthy, punishing film will leave unforgettable images and thoughts on almost any viewer. It is a remake of the 1931 Scarface, a classic gangster film starring Paul Muni that set an early standard for films of this type. The scene from Scarface comes from the “Shakedown” sequence that occurs about halfway through the film. The sequence takes place at a disco before Tony’s confrontation with his sister Gina (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) about the man she is dating. Mel Bernstein (Harris Yulin), Chief Detective, Narcotics and Tony Montana discuss Mel’s proposal to protect Tony’s drug operation. After Mel says, “Thank you for the drink” and leaves, Tony goes to Elvira’s (Michelle Pfeiffer) table. The film continues through more of Tony Montana’s complex drug deals and to its well-known violent ending. What to Watch for and Ask Yourself What are Mel’s sources or bases of power in this interaction with Tony Montana? What are Tony Montana’s sources or bases of power? What type of power relationship forms between the two men?