Welcome to Ethnicity and ‘Race’ Dr Pam Lowe
Introduction to the Module Key concepts and terms Measuring the issues What comes next?
The problem of definitions Language used to define and describe ‘race’ and ethnicity is often rooted in particular political ideologies Terms are often contested and have a particular history Gandhi was asked ‘What do you think of Western civilization?’ He replied ‘I think it would be a very good idea.’
The social construction of ‘race’ Concept of ‘race’ emerged with the expansion of colonial empires. Linked to ideas emerging from Darwinism about hereditary and natural selection Dominant ‘races’ (white, western) were more ‘evolved’ (civilised, superior)
‘Natural superior’ Social Darwinism used to justify: Slavery Slaves not really ‘people’ at all Rule of indigenous populations Often treated as childlike, need discipline for own benefit
Constructing ‘races’ As understanding of genetics grew the idea of separate ‘races’ became untenable in the natural sciences. Yet large sections of the world continue to act as if they exist Sociologists study the outcome of this process (racism)
‘Race’ and racism ‘Race’ is not a biological category but a social category constructed through racist thinking As biological thinking has declined, racism has remain, but is increasingly linked to ideas about cultural incompatibility Paris during riots in 2005
Ideological dilemmas Does the study of ‘race’ within sociology continue to legitimise this outdated concept, aiding those who wish to maintain the notion that there are distinct ‘races’? Or is the study of ‘race’ as a social relationship necessary because it is so prominent in the organisation of society?
Ethnicity Definitions vary, but usually rooted in ideas about cultural distinctiveness emerging through common descent, cultural heritage or traditions Boundaries of ethnicity are fuzzy not fixed Different groups may use different elements to define them Eg language, religion or geography
Ethnicity Ethnicity is always a social concept and rooted partly in self-definition by members People may identify with more than one ethnicity (Scottish, British, Kurdish) Others may impose definitions
Ethnicity In the UK, the word ‘ethnic’ is often used to describe non-white/western Ethnic-look in fashion White British people may not seen themselves as having an ethnic group
Ethnic- minority Ethnic-minority is often used to define groups by skin colour in the UK Sign of cultural difference Communities such as Italian or Irish people are rarely defined by others as an ethnic-minority in the UK even if they are culturally distinct Groups of Black people that are culturally indistinguishable from white are still considered different
Ethnicity What ethnic group or groups do you feel you belong to? To what extent to you think it is possible to chose your ethnicity? Do you think ethnicity is a better term than ‘race’?
Measuring differences and discrimination Until quite recently, many official surveys like the Census only asked for country of birth So the position of many minority-ethnic groups was not sufficiently recorded Standard classification of ethnicity introduced - but much debated
UK Census classification A White British Irish Other White background please specify B Mixed White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Other mixed background please specify C Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian background please specify D Black or Black British Caribbean African Other Black background please specify E Chinese Or Other Ethnic Group Chinese Any Other background please specify What issues does this classification raise?
Results of 2001 Census Do the results surprise you in any way? From National Statistics online
Differences between minority groups Recording data on different Asian groups has helped to illuminate differences Those of Indian ethnicity are more likely to achieve higher qualifications and professional positions than those from Pakistani or Bangladesh ancestry Differences between minority groups can be as significant as those between white and Asian and Black groups Indian Doctors in the NHS
Religion In the 2001 census a question on religion was included for the first time. Data can be used to find out the impact of religion on key variables Protection against religious discrimination introduced in December 2003
Where does the problem lie? Tariq Modood argues that the way we divide people leads to particular conclusions Dividing people differently shows different patterns of advantage and disadvantage People with a rural Gujerati ancestry (part of India) have similar socio-economic circumstances to those of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins Modood argues that the major divide is between Sunni Muslims and all other Asians Modood T (1992) Not Easy Being British Trentham Books
Religious discrimination To what extent do you think that religious discrimination is as big a problem as racial discrimination?
What next? Week 14 Introduction to ‘race and racism’ Week 15 The contested topic of institutional racism Week 16 ‘Whiteness’: an ethnicity or identity? Week 17 Gendered nationalism and imagined communities Week 18 Historical and modern slavery Week 19 Migration and diasporas Week 20 The age and ideologies of Empires Week 21 Colonial conquests: White settler societies and indigenous populations Week 22 Apartheid and Post Apartheid. Week 23 Revision and essay workshops Week 24 Essay submission
Module organisation Weekly classes Informal lecture followed by discussion Read before attending class Assessment by 2000 word essay due in week 25. Essay questions will be given out later Slides will go on blackboard after each lecture
Extra sources Films and novels can offer good material to study some of the issues. Examples include: Mississippi Burning Hotel Rwanda To Kill a Mockingbird Uncle Tom’s Cabin Rabbit-Proof Fence Gandhi