BOCES and District Partnerships #SchoolToolRocks Distance Learning, Data Viewing and Grade Sharing Albany: Deirdre Pangle North Country: Tammy Travis Encourage Tweets using our hashtag 2017
Student Census information and primary attendance Types of student information that may be viewed on an ongoing basis between districts (BOCES, between districts) Student Census information and primary attendance Student Marking Period Grades Transcripts Retrieval grades for import from one SchoolTool district to another (Example: DL grades and BOCES grades) IEP Viewer (BOCES) to view Frontline and ClearTrack IEP's Lead in: How many of you are involved in Elementary Scheduling? Draw them in – do you team? Why/why not? 9/18/2018
Steps to establish a district connection? Host - Create a district connection - Maintenance > Application > District Connections Establish information to view and share Create a token Share the token with the receiving district Create Home District and enable District Connection (Maintenance > Census > Home District) 9/18/2018
District Demographic and Attendance Shared View Demographic information that can be viewed Student Picture Student Contacts Residence and Mailing Address Phone Numbers Call Order Notification when demographic information is not the same at the Host District and the receiving district Daily Attendance viewing – in student folder titled “ View BOCES/DL student data” Show examples of Demographic and Attendance 9/18/2018
Report Card and Transcripts Viewing A district can't view grades at the other Schooltool district until their Report Card Publish Date Enable Report Cards and Transcript for viewing in District Connection How to set up the viewing date for marking period grades: Maintenance > School Year > Configuration 9/18/2018
Summary of Steps for Connections (Ex: BOCES, DL, etc.) Create District Connection Attendance, Marking Period Report Cards, Accept returned home district information Optional Information User Define Screen created that you would like to receive about the student such as his/her grade level Allow Course Selections Allow district to retrieve course grades Try to get 2-3 positives and 2-3 negatives 9/18/2018
Summary of Steps for Connections (Ex: BOCES, DL, etc.) Student Enrollment Information to be completed: - Distance Learning: Host District must provide the DL Teacher Name and TEACH ID so that the Receiving District can enter it into their Faculty Module and Master Schedule for the DL Course District of residence (DoR) is where the DW obtains the DL District information DL Grade levels can be created at the Host Schools (i.e., DL 9, DL 10, etc.) - BOCES and DL Enrollment: The schooltool ID# and home district name must be populated in the student’s Home District schooltool record and the BOCES/DL schooltool record for sharing. To view home district information go to Census > Student > Home District from the drop-down menu. Enrollment Type of 0055- BOCES/Distance Learning for the District Hosting the course with Host District's BEDS Provider (make sure the enrollment type is Active and set to Export) 9/18/2018
Retrieving Grades for DL and BOCES Students Determine the Publish Date for Retrieving Grades – Maintenance > School Year > Configuration Enable "Allow district to retrieve grades" in District Connection(s) associated with DL Students or BOCES Confirm the Host and Retrieving districts have student's Home District and Schooltool ID number populated in the student Census > Student tab > drop-down menu-Home District. Related questions: When do you lock? Any concerns with functionality? What would you change and why? Group vote: What would be the single-most important thing you would change if you could? 9/18/2018
Steps for Sharing Course Grades 1. Determines the Shared Course Codes for courses that allow grade retrieval Shared Course Codes – unique unduplicated code for each course in Course Catalog that grades will be shared Location of Shared Course Code is in the Course Details of the course in the Course Catalog. Shared Course Codes must be entered at Host District and the Retrieving Districts course catalog 2. Important information about Shared Course Codes The name must be unique and can't be repeated, even for like courses The name shouldn't have any characters not recognized for as file characters in Microsoft products (please do not use /, %, *, spaces, etc.) Keep the shared course codes simple and easy to recognize if you share grades for more than one building, DL course, etc. (Example: BOCES Building Abbreviation plus 101= ABC101, etc.) Group vote: What would be the single-most thing you would change? 9/18/2018
Sharing Course Codes with Participating Districts How can I manage my Shared Course Codes: Custom Export of all Courses with Shared Course Codes by Building Level that is not school year specific so no duplications occur Excel Workbook or Access Database Update receiving districts with Shared Course Codes yearly Sharing Student ID numbers from one district to another if students weren't electronically transferred Home District search for NONE Custom Export for Home District with No Home District ID# Creating more than one District Connection per district because of sharing and viewing constraints 9/18/2018
The Process of Sharing Grades 1. Enable Security Permissions for Retrieving student grades SMS_Security Group appropriate to allow retrieve grades - Click on +Guidance > check the box Retrieve Student Grades. 2. Publish Date and Lock Date in Maintenance > School Year > Configuration is current or has passed 9/18/2018
Process of Grade Sharing (continued) 3. Retrieve Student Grades in Counseling > Retrieve Student Grades Types of Grades to Retrieved: Marking Period Grades – must be the same number of marking periods at the host and retrieving district Assessment(s) - State, Local or User Defined, includes scores and assessment flags, and date administered if populated in host district Final Grades – includes grades or grade notes 9/18/2018
Process of Grade Sharing (continued) 4. Select the District from which to receive grades, school year, and destination of grades to be imported into your Schooltool database. 5. Indicate grades to be Previewed: Marking Period and which Marking Period, Final Grades or Assessments. When data already exists for the selected marking period, finals and/or assessments, the existing data will not be overwritten 9/18/2018
Process of Grade Sharing (continued) 6. Click Preview Grades button for a list of students at the Host District and their associated grade data will be displayed showing what will transfer. 7. Use the checkboxes to select the students/rows to import and click Import Grades. 8. Import Results and any “Messages” will help determine whether you were successful and/or why not. 9/18/2018
Further Assistance and Questions Schooltool Help Desk 1-518-862-5454 option #2 Or Twitter Feed: #SchoolToolRocks 9/18/2018
Thank you for your participation! #SchoolToolRocks Thank you for your participation! 11/2/2016